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The group of five made their way through the snowy woods, finally arriving at the gates of the capital city of Gyeongju. Taehyung spoke to the guards in a commanding tone, revealing his status as a Hwarang warrior and flashing his emblem. The guards quickly opened the gates and allowed the group to pass through.

The city was a bustling center of commerce and culture, with people and goods flowing in and out at all hours of the day.

As they entered the city, Jennie's eyes widened in wonder at the sights and sounds around her. She had never been to a city this big before, she was amazed by the sheer scale of everything. Jisoo walked beside Jennie, watching her with a smile on her face.

Lisa seemed more interested in the food stalls that lined the streets. She kept stopping to peer into the various pots and pans, inhaling deeply as the smells of cooking food filled her nostrils.

Chaeyoung was fascinated by the traditional medicine shops that lined the streets. She admired the jars filled with different herbs and roots.

Taehyung walked ahead, guiding them through the crowded streets.

Eventually they arrived at the palace gates. The guards at the gates eyed them suspiciously but Jennie quickly pulled a letter from her father, the fallen king of Baekje. She presented it to the castle officials.

The pets were brought to a stable and the group was immediately granted entry and given a royal welcome, with servants rushing to take their coats and provide them with food and drink.

The castle was a grand, imposing structure made of wood and stone, with intricate carvings and painted details adorning the walls and pillars.

The interior was lit by flickering torches set in sconces along the corridors, casting dancing shadows across the polished floors. The air was heavy with the scent of flowers. The sound of a stringed instrument, a bamboo flute and a drum could be heard drifting from the nearby hall.

The furnishings were sparse but elegant, with low tables and cushions arranged in the main reception area.

All in all, the atmosphere was one of refinement and sophistication, befitting the kingdom of Silla.

Their weapons were taken away from them and stored in a separate room. Jisoo didn't want to hand over her dagger but they told her, outsiders were not allowed to carry weapons inside the castle. They could take the weapons back once they left. Taehyung as a Hwarang was an exception to that rule.

"Welcome, honoured guests. Please, allow us to take your coats." One of the servants said as he reached for Jennie's coat.

Jennie, being a princess, was accustomed to such treatment and gracefully handed over her coat, thanking the servant. She then moved to the refreshment table and politely asked for a cup of tea. Taehyung followed, sitting across her with his sword by his side.

Lisa, Chaeyoung, and Jisoo were more awkward. They hesitated to hand over their coats and when the servants offered them drinks and snacks, they looked at each other nervously before accepting.

Jennie tried to ease their nerves. "It's okay, just relax and enjoy the hospitality." She said with a gentle smile.

The servants continued to attend to their needs, bringing out plates of fresh fruits and pastries. Jennie delicately nibbled on a slice of apple while Lisa eagerly bit into a flaky pastry, leaving crumbs on her hanbok. Chaeyoung sipped her tea slowly, trying to emulate Jennie's gracefulness, while Jisoo politely declined the food and drink.

They waited to be summoned to the throne room, so Jennie engaged in polite conversation with the castle officials, asking about the kingdom's recent affairs and expressing her condolences for their losses in the recent war. Lisa chimed in with some jokes and anecdotes, trying to lighten the mood. Chaeyoung listened attentively, occasionally interjecting with a thoughtful comment. Jisoo stayed quiet, lost in her own thoughts.

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