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Lisa and Chaeyoung walked through the snow-covered woods, enjoying the peacefulness of the winter scenery. They were in the middle of competing over who was better at building snowmen.

"It goes like this!" Lisa tried to show her, forming eyes with stones and using branches for the mouth.

"No, no." Chaeyoung disagreed. She took the helmet from the miner and put it on the snowman. "Much better." She said satisfied with herself.

"If you say so, I won't disagree." Lisa giggled, nudging her shoulder against her. Chaeyoung nudged back, reflecting a shy smile.

Leo yawned, deciding to wander off since they have been flirting for a while now, seemingly forgetting about moving ahead.

"I feel like we are forgetting something..." Lisa stated thoughtfully, tapping her chin.

"Yep. It's about finding our companions." Chaeyoung reminded as Lisa gasped in memory.

"Right!" The miner nodded her head eagerly. "Do you think they are okay?"

"I think so, yes. They probably already reached the next town and are waiting there for us." Chaeyoung exclaimed.

"Totally." Lisa agreed.

Suddenly they heard a rustling behind them and turned around to see Krystal standing there.

They blinked at each other awkwardly, apparently none of them expected to encounter the other.

At once all of them grabbed for the first thing they could find as a weapon. The knight pulled out her sword, Chaeyoung grabbed a couple of flints from her pocket, and Lisa frantically searched for something to use.

She saw a large pile of snow nearby and grabbed a handful of it, quickly packing it into snowball. She tossed it at the knight who blinked in annoyance as it dropped against her shoulder.

"Who are you? Why do you chase us?" Lisa demanded, threatening her with another snowball.

The knight raised an eyebrow at Lisa's choice of weapon. "I am Krystal, a knight of the great kingdom," She replied, her voice cold and stern. "And I'm here to retrieve the princess of Baekje."

Lisa and Chaeyoung looked at each other in shock. "What princess?" Lisa asked, her voice incredulous.

"Princess Jennie, of course." Krystal rolled her eyes.

Many thoughts swirled in Lisa's head. She leaned towards Chaeyoung and asked her if Krystal was their playmate. Since Lisa still kinda believed they were joking about the whole princess thing.

"It was never a joke..." Chaeyoung whispered back.

"Seriously?!" Lisa gasped.

"I suggest you turn the princess over to me and leave this matter alone. You don't want to get mixed up in something that could get you killed." Krystal stared at them sternly, her grip tightening around her sword.

"We won't turn her over to you. She is our friend." Lisa threw another snowball at her but she didn't even react.

"Very well." She said, raising her sword. "Then you leave me no choice but to eliminate you both."

"Leo! Help!" Lisa called for her son but he didn't rush to them. He was probably chasing another rabbit.

Krystal swang her sword. They dodged and weaved, trying to avoid being sliced in half, but the knight seemed to anticipate their every move.

Chaeyoung swung her flint wildly, hoping to land a hit but Krystal easily parried the blow with her sword, almost cutting her hand.

Lisa tried to attack her with snowballs. They fell apart against the knight's armour.

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