The Second Exam

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Note: Forgot to mention how Kaen is dressed. He has pants similar to Sasuke's one but this one is red with black stripes on both sides and a black jacket.

Now it's finally time for the chunin exams, taking place in the Forest of Death. "I do hope you're prepared, considering how it's being held in a place like that I'm sure it won't be easy" I told my teammates. "That's unusual of you Kaen, to warn us about something. Thinking about it, all you do is go on the missions, train, maybe you'd come with us for ramen or something but other than that you hardly make contact with us outside of team related stuff, why is that?" Kiyoko suddenly asked. "You're probably looking too deep into it Kiyoko but I have the same question, you act a lot differently compared to your brother, although it's the same for me, my brother has that hatred for the main family thing going on" Hanma stated. Never thought about it that way, I put most of my time into training so I could get strong enough to at least hold Orochimaru back for a while. The not letting the third die thing isn't something I think I'm ready to intervene let alone try to get one of the sound four to move from their positions because that's the only way to get in the barrier. "Well uhhh, you see I like to get stronger, yeah that's why I train most of the time" I said. "Well getting stronger is nice and all but it's crucial for our teamwork that we speak to each other more often outside of missions" she said seriously. That temporary captain side seems to be like a permanent thing for her now but I don't mind, she really does makes a good captain and we're gonna need one for this exam. "I understand so how about after the exam we maybe go for ramen or something" I asked. Maybe it can be beneficial to lay back a bit and enjoy. "Yeah we can do that but how about when we actually pass it first" she replied. "Yep" Hanma agreed. Anko then gave out the same rules as the original ones then each team went at their starting point.

"Yo, Naruto!" I called out. "Kaen, what are you doing here, you're supposed to be at your starting point" he said curiously. "Well I just wanted to tell you make sure you be careful and if we come across each other later on, don't hold back" I told him then used body flicker to go back to my teammates. "The plan captain? This isn't gonna be easy without one" Hanma asked Kiyoko. "How about we worry about that after we go inside the forest, can't let the other teams get a head start" she said awaiting the signal. We then saw it "Let's get going" she said then we went into the forest, after a bit of travelling deeper into the forest we found a place under a tree that can be hidden thanks to how big it is. "Alright so far I haven't seen anyone on our way in this little hiding spot of ours so just in case, Hanma should use his byakugan to scout the area before I explain our plan" she requested. "Leave it to me" he replied then went outside the hiding spot to begin. The byakugan sure is useful at times and it's gonna be a huge help with the Orochimaru fight.

"Alright now that Hanma is finished we should move on to the plan. We have a Heaven scroll meaning there is no need for us to unnecessarily fight other teams having the same scroll, we only engage teams that either have an Earth scroll or teams that attack us. One person should have custody of the scroll and the rest will have fakes using transformation jutsu" she explained. "A good plan as always" Hanma said. "Thank you and here's something important we need to remember when encountering an enemy to strengthen our teamwork. I'm sure all of us by now know who's better than who in different aspects but I'll go over them anyway. Out of us three Hanma is the best in taijutsu although that's expected having the Gentle Fist fighting style, I have the best defense jutsu and the environment adds to it and Kaen has the best attack type jutsu and he's the fastest also over the time we spent together in team 6 and on missions we definitely improved our teamwork meaning can pass this test.

The important thing I mentioned before is our formation, Hanma should be at the back because of his byakugan, I'll be at the middle to use my earth style to respond on either direction and Kaen is at the front so he can be prepared to aim his jutsu" she told us. "That's a nice formation and it looks like we have to use it soon, someone's here" I warned and we all got ready for an attack, Hanma activated his byakugan. "There is someone here, looks like he's just wandering about though" Hanma confirmed. "Anyone else? It could be a trap" Kiyoko asked. "None except him" he replied. "I'll go confront him, you two stay hidden, the enemy might be using some kind of jutsu to hide themselves" I said. "You sure about this Kaen?" Kiyoko asked. "We both know I'm the fastest one here, I'm the most suitable" I replied. Though it's true I am the best out of the three of us when it comes to speed, that's not really my reason for going but because there's a possibility of it being Orochimaru or even Kabuto, best outcome is a team with a Earth scroll. "Don't come out until I say it's safe" I told them as I walked out and hid myself in a nearby tree kind of far away from the tree we were hidden in and waited for a bit. I have to be on guard at all times because I can't remember exactly when he's gonna show up.

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