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-Team Taka-

Hashirama was in the middle of telling Sasuke everything he wanted to know about the village and Madara. Out of nowhere someone crashed into the ground right behind the Uchiha causing everyone to be on guard. Blood leaked out of my nose and I opened my eyes to see Orochimaru, Suigetsu, Jugo, Hashirama, Tobirama, Hiruzen and Minato all staring at me like I just fell out of the sky. Out of all the markers I thought I'd teleport to, Haruka, Amegakure, Hanma, Naruto, Konoha, that mountain... I never thought it would be this one on Sasuke's sword. "This chakra... is that you, Kaen?" the Yondaime Hokage asked. "Yep" I replied nonchalantly, wiped the blood of my nose and got up.

What the... my eyesight. "You're in bad shape, did you fight that Madara guy or something?" Suigetsu joked, hoping for a no. "Yes, I did... that guy is something else and his Rinnegan's Absorption ability is really annoying too" I struggled to stand. "I heard some things about you from Naruto and is it true you killed innocent people?" Minato asked, hoping for me to say no. "I did since it was included the contracts of multiple clients" I answered. What, are you gonna lecture me about killing people Mr. I killed a thousand Iwa Shinobi.

Minato acknowledged how much of a difference there was between Naruto and I, he was about to say something but I walked up to him. Can't hold them up any longer, only a matter of time before Juubi launches that Bijudama. "I don't know what's preventing you from going to the battlefield but hurry it up or they'll be no one for you to help" I said to the others and pulled Minato to a corner. "Well... if you want to say something about it then say it, considering my situation its either I hear it now or in hell later on" I said and he had a worried look on his face.

"Y-You look fine! I'm sure there's a good medic somewhere on the battlefield" he got nervous and smiled like he wanted to calm me down. "I'm dying, it's only a matter of time before I become one of the many countless bodies lying on that battlefield" with that there was a pause and after he shook his head in agreement of my situation but he was still heavily bothered by it. I think I made a mistake telling him, it might weigh him down in battle. "I guess I'll be a father for once and lecture you about this" he took a deep breath. Huh?

"Listen well Kaen... " as soon as he started talking I couldn't say anything to interrupt him, "... and that's why you shouldn't kill innocent people". Wow... he did make some good points. "That's nice and all but I pulled you here to ask a favor" I felt the pain throughout my body increase. "Share some of that unlimited chakra with me" I asked and he put out his fist. "Fist bump?" he smiled and I touched fists with him, all my chakra was restored and most of it just disappeared again, temporarily easing the pain.

"Restore it once more" I requested and so he did. Again... the hell is this thing. "Keep restoring, don't worry about overloading!" he kept pouring his chakra and somehow it keeps disappearing but the pain in my body keeps easing up. "That's a looong fist bump... everyone has their way of bonding I guess" Suigetsu whispered to Jugo. It went on until Sasuke gave his answer to not let his Onii-chan's sacrifice go to waste. As soon as he said that I dropped to my knees in surprise to everyone. What... happened? My body is aching again, even more this time!

"A-Are you alright Kaen!?" Minato tried helping me stand up. "This is nothing, I'm ready to go help them... until my last breath" I adjusted to the pain and was able to stand on my own now. "So are you on Konoha's side?" Minato asked me, observing the village from his stone face. "No, I'm not... " I replied and he started to feel hopeless of the situation. "I'm on Naruto's side... being on his side means I'm also on the side of the ones he truly cares about... but... the ones he doesn't consider close to him... their safety is none of my concern" I put my hand on his right shoulder.

"I see... well, it's good to know you didn't leave him behind... like I did" I put something on his shoulder and he did the same to my left exactly where my curse mark was. "As soon as you reach, teleport me there... I'm sure the markers I put on people will be useful too" I sat down and the others departed for the battlefield. A lot of things happened but out of everything... the voice that was in my head was probably the most unexpected. Standing on one strand of string, a deep voice of a man, the cliffs of bodies, pitch black sky and the ocean of lava beneath me.

It couldn't be someone talking to me through the Yamanaka's Jutsu since it sounded different when Ino or Shikamaru talked. The voice sounded so far and it was like I was instinctively trying to hang onto that voice. "No way... could this be... PLOT ARMOR!?" I joked and had a short laugh to myself. Jokes aside, I'm glad I got a second chance... to protect them... even as a shield, if I could accomplish something by being a human shield it would make something worth of this life... this life that was nothing more than trouble to those associated with me.

"W-Well there was nothing I could do about the contracts... back then when I went to Orochimaru he could've killed me without much resistance... I was only able to get to 100% somewhere before Naruto came back and even though I fully grasped how to use the Hiraishin early, I lacked experience... no that's not it! Just admit it... you liked something about doing it, didn't you" I slammed my right hand down. I could've killed that snake bastard the moment he started getting sick even without Hiraishin or a 100% Kaseiken but... it was just something about control over whether someone lives or dies... it gave me a form of pride and it always reminds me.

"Of my past life which keeps straying further and further away from me as time goes on. The first time I came here I couldn't remember how I died or if I died and now almost ten years later I can't remember much except the things related to my current life" I felt the pain increase all over my body. Other places is already numb, this is such a drag. I got teleported right in the middle of the battlefield where a Kekkai (Barrier) was already in place and took a deep breath, preparing for what's to come.

A/N: Thanks for 2k!!!

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