Sibling Spar

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"Yo Naruto wanna do that sparring now, it'll be good for preparations for the test tomorrow" I asked him. We never really had a fight using jutsu until now all we did was taijutsu which I won all times at first but afterwards when he got better through experience he started to win here and there. "Yeah sure, it's about time I show you how great I am once and for all" he stated confidentially. "Alright if you're that overconfident then let me see what you can do Naruto, meet me at the training field"

Note: The text that are italic are Kaen's thoughts

"Begin!" we then rushed at each other. Naruto went in for a heel kick but I rolled to the right and tried a back kick to his side but he blocked it and jumped back then tried to go for the shadow clone sign but I saw my opening, I'm faster than him so I jumped and my left hand and his jaw connected, I infused quite a bit of chakra into it and he got knocked back a few meters away. He got up and before I could reach "SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" more than 100 shadow clones came at me. He's playing it safe by not bringing out much shadow clones because he knows that we both have an insane amount of stamina and chakra. I jumped a bit high to dodge and "Fireball Jutsu!" took out half of them but Naruto brought in 200 this time. Damn Naruto, you really got a whole lot stronger with this jutsu, if only I had it also this wouldn't have been so hard, it seems I actually need to see the scroll for myself to do it because Naruto forgot the signs when I asked him, I was expecting that though. This fight is gonna take some time because I can't approach him because he outnumbers me by a whole lot and he can't approach me because I keep using my jutsu to keep him from approaching. The battle of my long range jutsu and Naruto's clones went on for a while until neither of us had much chakra left.

"Huff, h-how about we call it a day, I'm honestly tired and almost out of chakra and I know you are also, Naruto" I told him. "I'm raring to go hehe" he said while breathing heavily and lying on the ground. "You've gotten stronger Naruto". "Yep now I'm just one step closer to becoming hokage" he replied. "Let's go home and rest up for tomorrow" I said while stretching. "Yep let's go'" he replied as he got up from the ground. "We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow".

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