The Tournament

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It's about time for the tournament to start, Team 7 already got back, that sound ninja got his arm broken by Sasuke like in the original but something might change that I personally don't want to. The Rock Lee vs. Gaara match. "Personally Rock Lee vs. Gaara is my favorite matchup in the whole exam" I mumbled while staring at a wall. " good?" Shikamaru asked. "Yeah, I'm just day dreaming you know" I replied. "I understand, this whole thing is a pain" he then walked back to his team. Typical Shikamaru, I kinda want to be a cloud too. Although the order was a bit different so far the matchups were the same but Rock Lee vs. Gaara didn't start yet which is making me very anxious, I really want to see this fight. Alright here is the next match......Hanma vs. Barria. Barria is tall, muscular and has spiky black hair with especially large and noticeable forearms. "So that's his name......well good luck Hanma and don't underestimate an opponent, although that's basic knowledge" I encouraged him. He then jumped from the rails and onto the battleground. "Just watch me Nii-san, I'm strong too" he mumbled as he took the fighting position. Barria took a boxing type pose and waited for the match to start. "The match between Hanma Hyuga and Barria will now commence!" Hanma then rushed at him and Barria just stood there with the same pose. "Underestimating me are you!" he started attacking him with his taijutsu but none of the attacks were reaching.

"It's like an invisible wall is blocking the attacks" Kiyoko was surprised. Hanma activated his byakugan, "A wall made of wind is surrounding your body to act as a shield, is that right?" he asked then got some distance. "You catch on quick but it doesn't change the fact that you'll lose" Barria said as his arms got bigger. "So the more you flex your muscles in that pose, the thicker the wall gets" he smirked like he just got a good idea. "As expected of the byakugan but since you're a taijutsu user, I'm your perfect counter so just give up, all you'd be doing is tiring yourself out" Barria said imprudently. "A wall made of all I have to do is use this to grind my way in" he ran up to him and jumped right above Barria. "Palm Rotation!" he strengthened the wall even more but Hanma just increased speed and began to dig his way in. Barria used his full power but still, Hanma grinded through within 20 seconds. "What the hell, aren't you Hyuga's just supposed to be taijutsu?!" he had to block the jutsu with his hands and try to stay on his feet but didn't last.

"The winner of the match is Hanma Hyuga!" medic ninja came with stretchers for the passed out sound ninja and Hanma returned to his team. "You sure made quick work of him" Kiyoko said impressed. "Well done" Yun was also impressed. "Nice, knew exactly what to do" I was surprised at how fast he was able to think about a counter. "Well it was just simply a matter of him underestimating me" the next match was then confirmed. Hinata vs. Neji.........Hanma's expression changed to anxious during the whole fight. The match ended with Neji's win then more matches went on and I especially enjoyed the Rock Lee vs. Gaara fight. Seeing such a masterpiece of a fight right before my eyes is an amazing experience. Kiyoko was up next and against Amya, the female sound ninja from Barria's team, she has short dark purple straight hair and she's about as tall as Naruto. "Show us the power of the future's best Earth Style user" Hanma encouraged her. "Will do, I'm not gonna lose" she headed down the stairs to begin. "The match between Amya Ikari and Kiyoko Suzuki shall now begin" Kiyoko immediately did the Earth Bomb jutsu and aimed it at Amya but she disappeared into smoke. "Shadow clone? When did you-" Kiyoko got hit by a shuriken to her back. "Earth style: Earth Wall" the wall formed in front of her and she took out the shuriken attached to her back and turned to the direction it came from.

"So she uses shadow clones...but how was she able to get behind me that fast?" she mumbled to herself. "Take this seriously or you'll die!" a kunai came from her left but Kiyoko responded quickly this time by deflecting it and throwing one at her, it made a hit but that one was a shadow clone also. Ten shadow clones appeared suddenly and started throwing shurikens and kunai. "This is it, you lose. Earth Style: Boulder Crash!" the jutsu made a successful hit on all the targets but they disappeared. "What was that about me losing? Oh I see you thought I was going to end it with that attack didn't you?!" her voice could be heard from every direction and Kiyoko had a smile on her face. "Your's annoying but simple, you use sound like a genjutsu to hide yourself and be able to leave shadow clones while you go is that right?" she then saw a shadow clone appear and immediately sent an Earth Bomb to that direction and it exploded and she finally showed her real body. "So what if you figure it out? That weak earth style of yours isn't gonna stop me" more shadow clones were summoned.

"It seems the only thing she has going for her is that disappearing ability and shadow clones" I explained to Hanma. "Doesn't shadow clone take up a huge amount of chakra? I even heard that if you don't have enough it can kill you" Hanma asked. "You're correct it can kill you but it seems she has quite a huge amount of chakra considering she can make so much but even she should be tired now" I replied. "Earth style: Crevace" the crack opened up right after a new shadow clone was made and Amya lost her footing and fell causing her unique jutsu to be released. "You have one major weakness, you were so caught up on moving and making shadow clones while keeping up that jutsu of yours you didn't even have enough concentration to dodge one of my weak earth style jutsu" Kiyoko explained while pointing a kunai at her. "Why tell me this?" she asked glaring at Kiyoko. "You have an amazing jutsu and the potential to become even stronger than you are now so how about when I become the best Earth user we have a rematch?" she replied and Amya had a surprised look on her face. "Fine......I lost" she admitted. "The winner is Kiyoko Suzuki" Amya and Kiyoko then returned to their teams.

"Wow she didn't even consider your proposal" I sneered. "Oh shut up" she replied. "Well anyways, good work you kept a cool head during all that and even managed to figure out her ability" I complimented. "There's only you left now Kaen" Hanma said. "Do your best and don't lose, let all three of us be promoted to chunin together!" they encouraged me. "I won't lose" I promised. After all, not only do I possibly have the 9 tails but I also have a curse mark, there is no way I can lose. The Naruto vs. Kiba match was up next and it went well followed by Temari vs. Tenten. "I wonder if Tenten's back is alright..." I asked concerned. "Seems like there's only four contestants left....Choji, Dosu, Kaen and Kenji" Yun affirmed. "So Kenji is the last sound genin from that team....he looks strong but his sensei has a weird vibe to him, it's strange" I gazed at them. "The next match is about to be decided, Kaen could be up" Hanma said and I waited anxiously. Wait.........this isn't in the original, I have to fight Choji. "Well good luck!" Kiyoko gave me thumbs up.

"The match between Choji Akimichi and Kaen Uzumaki will now begin" Choji had a determined face and all I did was wait for him to make a move. "I don't care how strong of a prodigy you are Kaen, I AM GETTING MY FOOD!" he immediately used human boulder and came at me with full force. Sorry Choji but it's not like Asuma isn't going to give you if you lose, a good sensei. I used Earth Wall to block the attack but he increased speed and the upper half fell, I rolled to the left and jumped to the way he came from then used Water Wall. I could feel the curse mark wanting to come out but I kept it in. Choji did his turn with the human boulder and came full power and easily passed through the wall and hit me but I exploded. " ember clone" Asuma was a bit surprised. The heat from the small explosion made Choji lose control and he hit the wall only to get stuck. "The winner of the match is Kaen Uzumaki" we went back to our teams. "Amazing idea to make a ember clone and escape right before he made it through the water wall" Yun acknowledged.

"As fast as always" Hanma admitted. Getting hit by one of Choji's human boulder would be bad and if the match were to continue, I was afraid of the curse mark getting out of hand. Speaking of the curse mark I have to check mines out, from what I remember each curse mark user has their own unique pattern, form and abilities. I'll also start training to handle it during the time we would get until the final matches. "Now the last match, Kenji and Dosu" Hanma watched as the dark purple haired boy walked down the staircase glaring at his opponent. His hair is long, barely passing shoulder length and he was a bit taller than Sasuke, he had black and serious eyes with a serious face to go with it.

"The match between Kenji and Dosu begins" Kenji started getting weird black patterns all over the left side of his body. "What the......that's the same thing that happened to Sasuke-kun back in the forest!" Sakura pointed out. "So he has the curse mark also, this fight is gonna b-" I was interrupted by Dosu falling to the ground and Kenji retracting the marks while going to his team with a confident smirk on his face. "W-wow.........he's as fast as Lee" Kiyoko was surprised. "The winner is Kenji" after a while the matches for the finale was announced. Naruto vs. Neji, Sasuke vs. Gaara, Kankuro vs. Shino, Temari vs. Shikamaru, Hanma vs. Kiyoko and Kenji vs. Kaen. "Wow, we have to fight each other" Kiyoko sighed. "Looking forward to it" he yawned. "You guys are taking this easily" I was surprised. "We always do sparring and it's not a fight to the death so it'll be fine although i guess we all won't be able to be chunins together but how about you, that guy's strong" Kiyoko stated. "Don't worry about me, I already found his weak spot" I assured. Afterwards we all went back home and our one month preparations began.

Author: I don't think I'll get the time needed to write more than 2 chapters from next week because of school, hope you understand.

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