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I kept going straight and the closer I got the more I felt his presence then after a while I arrived. I saw Naruto and Sasuke fighting him, he went behind Naruto while he was distracted with fighting a snake clone. I quickly used a spinning kick to directly to his face and he flew back but landed on his feet. "Oh, if it isn't Kaen Uzumaki, I see you came to rescue Naruto here, you even managed to get a hit in, nice choice of actions" he said while smirking. "Orochimaru! What are your intentions with my brother and his team?!" I asked. "How about we make a deal, if you make me get serious in this battle I'll tell you" he said while a snake slithered around his body. As weird as always with those snakes. "What about if I lose?" I took out two kunai. "Hmm..... how about we figure that out when you do!" he launched himself at me and I threw the two kunai at him but he deflected it with his snakes. He kept attacking with taijutsu and all I could do was dodge, he left no opening. He's not even taking this fight seriously is he. I jumped back to get some distance, "Naruto! Sasuke! What are you, scared?! If not then come help me, I can't take this guy on my own" I told them as I did the hand signs for Blazing Meteors and the mini fireballs flew at him. The attack hit but it was a snake clone so he just disappeared.

"Scared? Hehe......not a bit", "Hn" Naruto and Sasuke said as they joined me. Ah yes the legendary word of the Uchiha, said to be handed down from generation to generation. "I may be getting in the way of your teamwork but hopefully we can make this work" I told them while watching out for Orochimaru. "Teamwork won't be a problem when it comes to me and you Kaen" Naruto said as Sasuke activated his Sharingan. "Yo Sasuke, as soon as he appears aim the fireball jutsu at him" I requested. Now that I take a closer look, he already has it...the curse mark, seems I was too late. "It isn't strong enough to do any damage" he said while looking around. "He's coming, from above!" Sasuke warned and used the fireball jutsu on him. He did it anyway. "Wind Style: Breakthrough" the jutsu combined with Sasuke's Fireball, strengthening it and made a direct hit on him. "Nice one Kaen" Naruto said while grinning nervously. "That caught me by surprise, you even left burn marks on my clothes, as I thought it seems Sasuke alone won't be enough, I'll give it to you also" he said as his mouth opened wide and he came out of it. That sounds weird, well then again almost everything is weird about him so him saying he'll give it to........nah it still sounds weird. "Take this you pedo! Fire Style: Crimson Spider" it crawled to him but he easily put it out. "Well it's about time-" Orochimaru backed off a bit when he saw an Earth Bomb.

"Too bad, you missed" he smirked. Hanma and Kiyoko joined "Kaen you could have at least told me you were gonna fight someone this dangerous" Kiyoko said. "How did you even know he was here anyway?" Hanma asked with Byakugan activated. "Instinct...?" I replied. "We'll talk about it later then, for now we have a life and death situation at hand, don't hold back, he's one of the legendary sannin" Kiyoko said. "This might be a bit challenging now" he laughed then the place went silent. Hanma, Sasuke, Naruto and I rushed at him engaging in taijutsu, Kiyoko waited to aim her long ranged jutsu, Sakura then joined Kiyoko "I'm not strong like you guys but even still I'll help with what I can do" she took out some kunai and waited for an opening also. As of now she can't help in this fight but it's better than hiding.

Orochimaru was fast as expected, he countered and dodged most of our hits but we kept on attacking him, Naruto even used the shadow clone jutsu so now we have twice our numbers, the overconfident look on his face changed. It's been a few minutes and we were able to get quite a few hits in. Hanma managed to give me an opening and I rushed at it without hesitation, an extra chakra infused uppercut to his jaw and he got lifted off the ground, Sasuke saw took that chance to give him a heel kick to his head. "That's quite good but not good enough" Orochimaru said then snakes started to wrap us up from below. "Dammit! A surprise attack" Naruto yelled. "Thanks for stating the obvious loser" Sasuke struggled to get out. Orochimaru smiled and said "That was good while it lasted, you all even made me get a bit serious with all that taijutsu".

"Well then Kaen, remember that deal I made? You lost so I'll give you something as your punishment... although it's more of a favor" he smirked. A snake came crawling and bit me on my left shoulder. "So my punishment is this? I mean it did kinda hurt but I-" I felt an immense pain throughout my body. "Kaen you alright?" Hanma asked. "It's the same thing that happened to Sasuke!" Naruto said. "I've made my decision and now that I don't have anything else to do I'll be on my way" he said then left. A few seconds after, Kiyoko and Sakura came and killed the snakes to set us free. "That was the most one sided fight I've ever seen" Hanma remarked. "The pain sto-" it started again. "So is it poison? Doesn't look so, it just looks like a sealing mark" Kiyoko said. "Why ask if you already know?" Sasuke said while holding the place his curse mark is, he then passed out. To be expected, the pain he's experiencing right now and him being exhausted from the fight would make him pass out. "Sasuke-kun?!" Sakura said loudly. "Stay quiet a bit, I don't need to hear anything right no-" I passed out also.

"What the hell did he do?" Kiyoko mumbled while taking off my jacket. "Hey what are you doing to my brother in a situation like this?" Naruto asked. "K-kiyoko I think I have one of those thingys, mind checking for me also?" Hanma said nervously. "Do it yourself" Kiyoko replied not even looking his way. "Don't get the wrong idea, I'm just checking it out because I know a bit on sealing jutsu" Kiyoko said inspecting the mark. "Well I have no idea what this one is though" she added then put my jacket back on. "Well let's go Hanma, you carry him" Kiyoko told him. "Where are you going?" Sakura asked. "We already got our scrolls so we're going on ahead" Hanma said. "Well tell my brother we'll be ok when he wakes up, we still need to get our scroll you see" Naruto asked. "Sure and good luck, it wasn't that easy even for us" Hanma and Kiyoko left and went straight for the building to pass the test.

I woke up a few hours after. "Ow.... my head feels like someone from Chouji's clan fell on it" I mumbled then looked around to see my team including Yun sitting down but Hanma was asleep . "You've finally woken up and the first thing you do is insult a whole clan......well not even that surprises me since I heard the situation from Kiyoko" he looked at my left shoulder. "Just what exactly is this anyway?" I held my left shoulder. Gotta try my best to pretend I don't know what's going on. "It's a curse mark and from what I know it basically boosts your overall abilities" he said then got up and left the room, remembering something. "Isn't that a good thing?" I asked confused. "Well it did hurt a lot back then didn't it so maybe pain is the drawback?" she yawned. To be honest I forgot what the drawback of this power is. "You seem tired and even Hanma is asleep so why don't you go to sleep also?" I asked. "Well you see it's not that, it's just that I'm bored. I already went to sleep and got up quite a while ago and all I did since then was wait" she then got up. "Wait for?" I asked while I also got up. "The third exam, a tournament" she woke up Hanma, "Our promotion to chunin all depends on this exam!"

Naruto Fanfic: Changed FateWhere stories live. Discover now