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The news of Tsuande's recovery were already spreading and Sakura just left from informing Naruto who was having a chat with the recently recovered Jiraiya. "It's on the house" ramen guy declared but before he could start eating he disappeared into smoke by a reverse summoning to Mount Myoboku. Meanwhile on a training field Hanma was having a spar with Yun. "As unpredictable with your fighting style of taijutsu and bukijutsu as always" Hanma was on the ground, catching his breath. "We both know the match would have been over if you went into that chakra mode" he stated.

"I'm not much of a sensei am I, the one student I could have passed down my techniques to became a rouge and both of you are different. Kiyoko only learns Doton and is a long ranged fighter and you have the Hyuga to teach you taijutsu" he said, disappointed. Kiyoko walked out from under a tree "That's not true at all, you taught all of us the basics and you even taught him some of the jutsu I'm sure he uses even now" she handed him a rice ball and gave one to Hanma.

"Besides there's someone else you can pass down everything to" Hanma reminded him. "Yeah, I'll make sure and teach him everything I know, he's going to be even stronger than me" he smiled. "Someone that's better than using the chakram than you is kinda scary" Hanma joked. "Your right" Kiyoko laughed.

-Mount Myoboku-

"So the old great toad sage has a prophecy for me and my brother?" Naruto questioned. "Yes, your right" Fukasaku confirmed. "We don't even have a clue of where he is since all he does is teleport" Naruto was trying not to vomit after remembering he ate a bowl of bug stew. "That's why when he was asleep when he was tired from training, I stuck on two messenger toads to him who now resides in his hideout, I gave them specific orders to summon the other one after a few minutes when that one comes back to give an update to me which I pass on to Konoha or if I reverse summon him" he explained which Naruto didn't understand.

"You have his kunai he gave you right?" he asked Naruto. Naruto held on to that kunai ever since he got it like it was one of the few things that reminded him of his brother. He had a smile on his face "Of course I do" he took out the red kunai. Fukasaku proceeded to reverse summon one of the messenger toads, inform him of the situation and waited for the other one to summon him. After a few minutes he was summoned then immediately summoned Fukasaku.

"So where is he?" Fukasaku asked the toad who summoned them. "Training, he really is fast" the toad was in awe. I was training by making shadow clones to launch a bunch of kunai and shuriken for me to dodge with my enhanced speed and reaction speed. "You do know I'm both a sensor and in Sage Mode right!?" I let them know I knew they were there.

"That was a good choice to send some messenger toads with me and since it gets kinda lonely in here I let them stay intact... what do you want?" I released all the shadow clones and exited out of Sage Mode. "Well to get to the point, the Great Toad Sage has a prophecy about you" he said, being on guard. "Really? I'm always interested in hearing the future" I then teleported away. "Wasn't expecting him to agree that easily" Fukasaku admitted.

This should be interesting. Naruto was also surprised that I came along so quickly, we then went to the Great Toad Sage. After the old frog finished with Naruto he asked me, "What's your name again?" since he's forgetful. "Uzumaki Kaen" I answered, curiously awaiting the prophecy. "I saw your future, you will be the anchor of predator and prey" he told me. "Anchor of predator and prey?" I wondered what that could mean.

"I'm not exactly sure myself but in my dream I saw you balancing yourself on a string between two cliffs while holding a frog on your right and a snake on your left" he explained. Weird dream, being the anchor of predator and prey, I wonder if it's something I'll get from Hagoromo...but I'm not a reincarnation so what is it...

"It was good knowing I have something waiting for me in the future, I'll be on my way now" Naruto grabbed my shoulder before I teleported and ended up coming with me. "Why did you leave Kaen, I see no reason why" he asked. It's time to put on the emo guy act now. "The village is filled with many dark secrets Naruto, my goal is world peace so my first step was to leave the village and now I'm after power for controlling an emotion known as fear. The weak bows down to the strong, I will control this world by fear and change everything, that's all you need to know" I teleported him back to Mount Myoboku. Should be convincing enough.

Time passed and eventually, the war began. "Well then, he should be making his move about now, for the Rinnegan" I said to myself. Konan would be useful in the war and if I could get my hands on a pair of Rinnegan... I can already imagine myself doing Shinra Tensei and a whole lot of other overpowered things. I teleported to Amegakure and awaited Tobi's appearance "Naruto is most likely finished with the Kurama Chakra control training, when he's done way" I was suprised, seeing blood in the water. "I was too late......dammit!" I got angry at myself.

"It's fine probably, you managed to save Jiraiya and Asuma so it's fine..." I calmly walked up to Konan's body, picked her up and laid her to rest with Yahiko and Nagato. "Wasted too much time on the prophecy and I got caught up on training too" I sighed.

There I go making excuses to myself again, I killed many yet seeing her dead body made me get angry at myself, must be because I'm nervous. "Well that was a complete failure" I shrugged it off and teleported back to the hideout. "I haven't slept in a while, even though there's a whole war going on, I guess I can sleep...for a...bit" just like that I got in bed and began slipping into a deep sleep. In the end, the thing about me letting that one thing slide since I'm not an Otsutsuki reincarnation didn't fit with my pride, I guess I'll do things my own way.

Naruto Fanfic: Changed FateWhere stories live. Discover now