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"It's something probably only I can do. By sending the concentrated Ryujin Senjutsu Chakra threads produced by my horns into my body, I can control it to forcefully open the Hachimon (Eight Gates) and gain more than enough physical strength to kill Hiroshi" I explained. "Hachimon... removing the limiters without the vigorous training people like Gai had to go through, what a cheat code" Hanma commented while keeping an eye on Hiroshi. Hiroshi didn't want to interfere since he might be able to get a good fight this time so he just watched while floating around.

"Then... let me do it!" Yun declared. "No, you can't, you have someone you need to live for, can't leave him behind" Hanma reminded him. "Tell me, what's better? Sacrificing myself to kill Hiroshi and leaving behind my child knowing he and you three would be safe or seeing my student die and living with the guilt that I could've done something about it? I need to do this!" Yun demanded. We looked at each other and we knew not accepting his proposal would be for the worst.

"You're guaranteed death, it doesn't matter if I heal you or if Naruto somehow made his way here and did the same. Your remains won't be a crumbling body but you'd melt, if anyone except a Ryujin like myself directly took in Ryujin Senjutsu Chakra they would melt from the inside just from the strength of it. Since I'll be controlling it to force open the Hachimon you won't die right away from melting but in fact you'll be much stronger having Hanma's powerup and the enhancement of the strongest Senjutsu chakra. In the end you'll die since your body won't be able to handle that potent of a chakra for too long, even more so that you're not trained with Senjutsu. Still want to do it?" I thoroughly explained.

For me I'll just die from the last gate. "Pay my son a visit every now and... tell him how badass I was" he said with a confident, battle ready face. "Heh... yeah, I'll give him every little detail" Hanma promised, Kiyoko nodded in agreement. "Hanma, Kiyoko, we support him and make openings, he's the main fighter here, mess up once and it could cost us" I reminded. Hiroshi landed and cracked his knuckles, "This better have been worth the wait, insects!" he said with an impatient look. This has to work! I walked up to Yun and the black threads from my horns began forming, Yun was ready to accept it.

It travelled and was injected into his neck. His veins turned black and both his eyes turned black along with it. An aura enveloped him and it kept changing until it was red, his dark blue hair and his eyebrows turned red, just the activation cracked the ground all around us. He looks like a demon... with the chakra to match the appearance. He exhaled and smoke came out from his mouth, his body began heating up so he ripped off his Jonin vest along with the clothing that covered his upper body, revealing a lean build with the black veins running even there. Everywhere on his body had the black veins.

"Kaen wasn't joking, it feels like a fire started inside me... and the pain from the last gate... well, they're depending on me so, I have no time for something as stupid as physical pain!" Yun thought to himself and took a deep breath. I activated my blue Kaseiken at 100% on both fists, Hanma went into Version Two at full power and Kiyoko began sinking into the ground. "Let's go kill a god" he said calmly with smoke escaping as he talks and we all charged at Hiroshi the same time.

Yun was easily faster than all his students combined, even Hanma was surprised. "Fast!" Hiroshi said to himself. Needless to say, Hiroshi didn't have time to hold back and prepared for more than he expected. Yun started it off with a huge jump then a right-handed superman punch which Hiroshi barely managed to block in time with his forearms crossed. The force from the punch was enough to carve a piece off the natural satellite, even visible a distance away from it. Right after that, Hanma dashed behind Hiroshi and used his Raiton: Hakkesho Kaiten. Yun took the chance to push him into the jutsu which was just a few inches away from making contact. Good, now he's the helpless one.

Hiroshi fought back and tried the front kick on Yun but he caught it with his free left hand. "Arrogant bastard" he commented and returned it. A front kick to the abdomen that made blood escape the Otsutsuki's mouth sent him right into the jutsu that shredded away at his back before it knocked him away to the left where I was waiting. Though he rebounded mid-air, I was already flying towards him and tried a full power with a cross to his face, which he caught. He was getting injured faster than he could heal, making it dangerous for him. He spun around vertically and quickly kicked me to the ground with an axe kick but my fall was softened thanks to Kiyoko. He's trying to get an advantage against Yun by taking the fight off ground.

Yun jumped at him with a flying side kick but Hiroshi grabbed his foot, now fully healed and redirected it to Hanma who was flying to go behind Hiroshi again. Hanma used his Deva Path like ability to prevent Yun from making contact and pushed him back to Hiroshi, continuing to use his ability to help Yun move while off ground. "He rivals me in power but that doesn't matter, all I need to do is fight until he runs out of time" Hiroshi thought to himself. Yun came flying at him while kicking, this time being surrounded by Hanma and I.

Hanma and I went in first in and started fighting him together but was easily overwhelmed. Hanma got a knee to his head and I got an elbow to mine. "Don't get too cocky!!!" He followed up by grabbing each of our heads and smashing them continuously into each other. Yun dashed right in front of him where the Otsutsuki had prepared to throw us into him. Instead Yun went right over and behind him, where he hit him with a simple side kick to the back of the head. Hiroshi more than felt that one since he started to feel dizzy and he started to see blurry.

"All at once! His head, now!" Yun ordered, Kiyoko already flying towards us with her Kegan no Jutsu on her right hand. He's cornered! I tapped Hanma on his shoulder and instantly healed the injuries he got, mines were already taken care of. We flew towards the dizzy Hiroshi all at once and threw a full swing punch aimed at his head. At the last second, Hiroshi disappeared and our fists collided. A huge shockwave that blew everyone apart was made after. "He's overpowering me! How can a mere mortal possess strength rivaling... no, greater!? Greater than mines!?" Hiroshi's pride got hurt and he had no choice but to wait it out. We quickly gathered again and Hanma couldn't see him anywhere around the moon.

"He lifted the barrier that revoked Space-Time Ninjutsu and used Yomotsu Hirasaka to escape it seems" I explained. "Dammit! At this point sensei is going to run out of time" Hanma shouted. "Finding him is easy... I marked him after all, get ready!" I revealed and the recovered Hiroshi who thought he got away was in the middle of four fists again but this time it hit him. All four sides of his head got hit, Yun got the back, I got the front, Hanma took the left side and Kiyoko took the remaining right side. It cracked his skull into multiple pieces and his body tensed up and relaxed all together. He's... still alive!?

"Don't you pests dare think you can kill me that easily" he said in a struggling voice. His skull which was in pieces were all healed up and he surprised kicked me to the chest with an angered face but it was more than a kick. The long ranged jutsu barrier... it's gone! "You cretins can't win! Now that you've pushed me this far, I had to bring this out..." he slid his foot further upwards, exiting my right shoulder. Something happened internally from the path he took with his foot and I just looked at him. "Wrong person to attack with that kind of jutsu, idiot" Hanma commented and Yun had a little smirk before he got serious again and gave him an overhand punch to the head, blasting him to the ground.

"Chakra blades... it seems it ignores external defense too" I told Kiyoko and Yun, Hanma already saw what it did and also saw it healed instantly the same time the damage was done. "We need to finish this, Yun sensei is almost out" Kiyoko reminded us. "Yeah, I won't pretend like I'm not almost out of time just to look strong, she's right, these few attacks will be my final" Yun accepted and was prepared. Hiroshi was staring at us with angry, blood lusted eyes. Your fault for being so egotistical and prideful, you must be really angry since that pride of yours crumbled in the span of a few minutes. You're done, Otsutsuki.

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