Obito, The Juubi Jinchuriki

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Madara got fed up of chasing them and just came out of the Perfect Susanoo, he's now waiting patiently for Hashirama. Jiraiya, Hanma and Kiyoko were already with the others and the rest of Konoha 13 were surprised to see her Doton Chakra Mode but was more surprised of Sasuke's decision to become Hokage. I was honestly worried that my existence would change his mind on whether to destroy Konoha or help in the war somehow. Naruto had already assured my safety with his sensory abilities and was now fighting the Juubi clones together with Sasuke and Sakura.

"Well isn't this a familiar sight" Jiraiya appeared next to Hiruzen, both of them acknowledging the new Three Way Deadlock. As soon as I appeared on the battlefield, Hanma appeared right beside me with the speed of Raiton Chakra Mode and Kiyoko surfaced from the ground with Doton Chakra Mode. "Though it isn't in the best condition, Team 6 is finally together again!" Kiyoko slammed her hands on the ground to make two golems as big as Gamakichi. "Brings me back to the test!" Yun thought to himself as sliced through a Juubi clone.

"Think you can keep up with us... Kaen?" Hanma made his armor on his hands turn into two blades. "I'll support with some jutsu from atop a Earth Golem, can't do nothing big with this amount though" I went to jump but she instead made it put out it's arm to use as a ramp. Kiyoko went back underground to surprise the enemies and Hanma ran with his extreme speed towards the Juubi clones. He cut the clones in half with his extendable Armor Blades and she impaled groups at a time with her Doton: Doryuso (Earth Flow Spears) from underground while her Golems fought the bigger sized clones. Can't do the large scale jutsu so some smaller ones that don't take up much should work.

"Katon: Homuranagase! (Blazing Meteors)" the small fireballs were launched at multiple clones which were all set ablaze. "Those flames are strong even when he's weakened" Hanma complimented as he decapitated another clone. I kept using different small scale Katon jutsu to damage the clones and every time I used one, the pain increases. Everyone were doing their thing, the combo attack with Sasuke and Naruto happened, Sakura got her Byakugo Seal (Hundred Healings) and by now Orochimaru is with the others, helping Tsunade.

Out from the Kamui dimension came an injured Obito and Madara got ready. "It's time for you to return the favor!" he tried to control Obito into making him do the Rinne Rebirth on him but Obito instead, absorbs the Juubi and turns into the Juubi Jinchuriki after Minato's attempt to stop him. Damn, I forgot about that. As in the original story, Obito was losing control of the Juubi and the Hokage began using the Edo Tensei to analyze Obito's abilities.

What can I do now...? I can't absorb nature energy, can't use Hiraishin and at most I could use a 20 or 30% Kaseiken for a short period of time because of my reserves and the pain that comes with it but Obito's now immune to normal ninjutsu. Naruto sensed my emotions "We can handle this Kaen! You can-" he was interrupted. It's not that I can't do anything about it... I need to do something! "I know! I'm useless right now but there's still something I can do" I jumped off the Earth Golem and went towards Naruto.

"Kaen... you aren't planning on using that are you? With his skill I won't be surprised if he did learn it" Minato thought to himself as he tried an attack on Obito but failed. Tobirama just finished doing his Gojo Kibaku Fuda (Tandem Paper Bombs) but was blocked by the Gudodama (Truth-seeker orb). As Obito was going to attack, he swelled up since he wasn't accustomed to the Juubi yet and Hanma saw that. "Kiyoko! There's an opening!" he told the Doton user so she resurfaced from the ground and slammed her hands on the ground. "Doton: Doryuso!" the spikes proceeded to erupt from the ground.

It won't work, only Ninjutsu with Senjutsu chakra or Taijutsu does damage to him. Surprisingly the attack did impale him and Minato took this chance to finish him with his Rasen Senko Cho Rinbuko Sanshiki (Rasen-Flash Super-Circle Dance Howl Stage Three). It did damage...? That's... oh, I get it... since she just used the already existing Earth to do the jutsu, it worked. Right before Minato went in for a hit, Obito had finally gotten a hold of himself and blocked Minato's kunai.

I threw a normal kunai with a Paper Bomb attached to it towards the Juubi Jinchuriki before he completely got rid of his arm just like in the original but Obito blocked the explosion with a Gudodama. Minato teleported back to Naruto and it was seen that the top piece of his shoulder was damaged by the orb. One of his arms is stronger than my existence at this point, supporting is my role now. "You've been sustaining that mode for quite a while Kiyoko, aren't you tired?" Hanma asked as he ran towards me, Kiyoko travelled underground with just her head on the surface. It's not version two but... she's keeping up with his speed from underground!

"I can still go on much longer so focus on the enemy" she advised and they arrived near Naruto and Sasuke. "Your chakra system is beyond help now, more than half of it specifically on the left side of your body is already unusable, you can't even do Jutsu that requires expelling them from your mouth anymore" he inspected with his Byakugan, making Naruto and Minato have a worried look on their faces. "I don't need your p-" I was interrupted by Hanma.

"Pity? I'm just informing you of how bad your situation is... it's as you said before, this is war so casualties are expected and you're just going to be one of them. Though... it is a shame we can't have our all-out fight" he said as he carefully observed Obito. Naruto sensed Hanma's true emotions about the situation and put his hand on his shoulder. Obito used the Chakra Arms to take down the four Hokage's Kekkai.

"I'll support with the Hiraishin kunai so if you may, shall we mark each other... Nidaime" I requested of Tobirama and so we did. The formula was applied to my hoodie on the chest area and I put mines on his right shoulder's armor. Sasuke tried his "Amaterasu!" but it was absorbed by the Preta Path and Kiyoko followed up with multiple spikes from every direction to skewer him but he defended by surrounding himself with the Gudodama shield.

While retracting the shield, Hanma went behind him with full speed and did the Hakke Kuhekisho which blasted him forwards a bit. Annoyed, Obito sent out a Chakra Arm to grab hold of him but Hanma managed to barely dodge the attack. The crackling of lightning was heard soon after, Hanma used Raiton: Sandaboruto (Lightning Release: Thunderbolt). The multiple bolts of lightning were shot at Obito but it had no effect, surprising them and causing Hanma to retreat back to the others. "A Hyuga using Raiton... it's just a surprise after another" Tobirama remarked. Naruto did a Rasenshuriken and Sasuke added on his Amaterasu to create a deadly combo and they both ran at Obito.

He wanted to interrupt them with an orb but I threw a few Hiraishin kunai at him which he used that same orb to extend into a shield in order to block it, he then used two other to interrupt them instead. Mid way to hitting the shield I used Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu) to create hundreds more in surprise to everyone which scattered all around Obito. Tobirama took the opening and teleported to one of the many kunai behind Obito, made physical contact then teleported him to one in front of Naruto and Sasuke. The combo made a direct hit and he got sent flying back, the jutsu exploded and the others thought it did something.

I guess the times right to tell them. The combo had no effect on the Jinchuriki, surprising everyone. "My guess is that he now can't be affected by Ninjutsu and has access to something that can nullify Ninjutsu" I explained as Obito flew upwards. "Your reason for assuming that?" Tobirama had an intrigued look on his face. "Da- The Yondaime's partly damaged shoulder isn't regenerating and he took no damage from Hanma's jutsu or that combo" I flinched as the pain in my body increased even more than before.

"I see you're the exact opposite of your brother, you actually have a brain" he joked then Naruto began exerting more chakra in order to go into Bijuu form but Kurama informed him that he needs to wait a while. Exiting out of Kurama Chakra Mode, Naruto began thinking of other ways to damage him if not Ninjutsu. He's supposed to figure it out with Gamakichi's help when the summoning time runs out but we got to this point faster than originally because of new faces... I may have to suggest it to him if he doesn't figure it out soon.

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