New Foe

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"Teamwork, that's the only way to win this battle!" I shouted as we all ran towards Madara. Madara used Bansho Tenin (Universal Pull) to trip Hanma who was approaching him with insane speed but Hanma didn't touch the ground. He instead flew up and came crashing down to Madara with a flying kick. Madara blocked it with his arms crossed but it still pushed him back quite a few meters. Sasuke followed up by teleporting in front of Madara and piercing his heart with a Amaterasu enhanced Six Paths Chidori. Hanma used the chance to pierce Madara with his seven Gudodama but Madara just used Shinra Tensei again to blow us all away. That's all he can do now... defend. Originally, he was handling both Naruto and Sasuke but now there's four of us, this battle is coming to an end.

I took the five second window, now left with three seconds, to deliver a series of punches as soon as I teleported to him. I had to punch him downwards to the ground so he won't go flying from range. Each punch blasted the ground away from us and I delivered a lot in that window. It sounded like a bunch of jackhammers working at once, I kept pounding away at him and in the end, I at least got a thousand hits in before teleporting to get some distance. I left him with holes all over his body but even after that, all he did was regenerate.

The crater I left was huge, like a meteor dropped right on that spot. "Here I thought I was the fastest in combat speed" Hanma commented with a nervous smile. "You are... I'm just faster with my fists is all" I responded and got ready to go again. "See? You four can't kill me, all you can hope for is sealing me within that five second window of the Deva Path after dealing enough damage" Madara's Limbo clones came back from the Kamui dimension right after he said that, still lying on the ground. "Only a matter of time before you kids become the ones defending" Madara said to us without even blinking as he rose his upper body from the ground, only to widen his eyes in surprise.

A black goo invaded his body from a hole which was just about to close up, right in the middle of his chest. "No way... I burned him and left him burning with the blue flames too" I commented. "Someone stronger than him... we're in for it" Naruto said as Madara began inflating. Madara struggled to curse out Black Zetsu while the ground cracked open and out came tons of chakra all from the Mugen Tsukuyomi. Madara's wood clones turned back into wood and his Black Receivers that were imbedded in all the Edo Tensei Hokage crumbled away to dust.

The Otsutsuki used her hair to try and capture us but I was expecting it so I used my Kaseiken: Moeru Senro to burn it all. Kaguya looked around and saw all the destruction we caused. "Let's stop fighting... this planet should not be allowed to be damaged any further" she told us and used her third eye to move into a different dimension. "So, I'll kill you all in here instead" she sprouted bones from her palms and we looked around, it was the sand dimension. "Those bones turn people to dust, don't let it get you!" I warned and as she shot it, Obito used Kamui to send them away.

Suddenly, as we all were about to attack, something appeared out of nowhere. "You guys feel that?" Naruto asked with a cold sweat. "Yeah... I can feel it... and I can see it" Hanma responded and we all looked at him. "Can't believe I was afraid of a few meteors back with the Fourth Division... the monstrosity that's about to drop is worth freezing up about" Hanma looked up as something came falling.

Back on Earth, all the Hokage came together to the spot where Kaguya was sensed and Ryuzu landed from above, just finished with the Golems and Dragons. The Hokage got on guard, thinking the dragon was an enemy. "Is that a... DRAGON?" Hashirama shouted in excitement. "This Senjutsu matches Kaen's, it's the one that was fighting here too" Tobirama commented. "I am Ryuzu and assuming you four are acquainted with Kaen-sama then I have no reason to fight you" Ryuzu brought down his head to them, awaiting an answer. "Yes, I'm Kaen's father and these three are my acquaintances" Minato answered him. "Kaen-sama's father? Hmm... your chakra signature is indeed similar to him, very well, I don't think we'll need to fight" Ryuzu came to an end with that matter. "So, Ryuzu... would you mind filling us in?" Hiruzen asked. Ryuzu began telling them about the fight.

Back in the sand dimension, even Kaguya stopped in fear of what appeared in the sky. It dropped to our left, the sand made it hard to see but Hanma and Kaguya saw him clearly and we all got on guard, even Kaguya. "Well well well, if it isn't Kaguya! Looks like my constant checkups here was worth it after all!" a man with a relaxed and deep voice walked out of the sand. An Otsutsuki.

The man has pale skin, two horns each starting from the top of each eyebrow and going all the way to the back of his head. He wore a black pants and black arm sleeves that covered his forearms alone, no torso or footwear. His eyes were two silver Rinnegan and he has long white hair flowing behind him with a chiseled face. Kaguya has more chakra but this guy... he's just stronger. In an instant, he appeared right in front of us, delivering a punch to Hanma and a kick to the stomach to me and was about to attack the others. The two attacks sent us skipping through the sand and stopping only a kilometer or two away.

"Well, the Turquoise glowing one and red haired one seems physically capable of giving me a good fight... since you seem like you have some problem with the yellow glowing one and the one with the Rinnegan I'll leave you to it but... do hurry up, as soon as I'm finished playing with those two I'll get right down to business" the man said to Kaguya. He used his Rinnegan to send Hanma and I to somewhere else. This is... amazing. The view consisted of a huge planet in front of where we stood, three gas giants in the distance, nebula and tons of stars. "Welcome to my dimension! Beautiful isn't it, could never get tired of this view and yes this is that planet's moon, a better view than there honestly" the man looked at the view.

We need some support here, I should bring... them. I proceeded to use the Hiraishin to teleport Yun and Kiyoko here, startling them. "Why did you bring them here! Are you trying to get them killed!?" Hanma asked, going in front of Kiyoko to protect her. "The boy's right, no use bringing weaklings here... well this view is a good place to die, can't blame you wanting to give your teammates a good sendoff" the Otsutsuki said. "You made the right call Kaen, we were hoping you'd want our assistance" Kiyoko said. "Space-Time Ninjutsu... well, I wouldn't want you escaping so I can't have that" the alien clasped his hands together and just like that he made a Kekkai that surrounded this entire moon.

"This guy... this moon is about a half bigger than ours and he made a barrier covering it all... what did we get ourselves into..." Hanma commented. "It's better than fighting both him and Kaguya at the same time" I said with an anxious look. "Oh please, I would never team up with the likes of a traitor... in fact I'd be faster to team up with you lesser beings but I want to punish her all by myself and you would most likely do what pests do and annoy me so why not make use of you as entertainment... like an appetizer before I get to the main course" he remarked. "So why not the others? Why not use them as entertainment too?" I questioned.

"Kaguya looked like she acknowledges the yellow and Rinnegan boys as a threat... so I'll let her kill them so she'll think she's safe but I'll turn that hope right back into fear... makes the whole thing more exciting for me" he said all that with a calm expression. Well... Naruto and Sasuke are the ones with the jutsu that can make a moon. "Ahh yes, why don't we introduce ourselves! You lesser ones can go first... and give me something... something that makes you think you are worthy of fighting an Otsutsuki" he then awaited an answer.

"Aikawa Yun, Team Six's sensei" Yun went first. "Hyuga Hanma, the strongest Hyuga" Hanma knew that was his to claim. "Suzuki Kiyoko, the best Doton user" Kiyoko said that with pride, no one else can take that title. "Uzumaki Kaen, the Twenty Seventh Ryujin" I gave him a battle-ready look. "Interesting! My name is Hiroshi, Otsutsuki Hiroshi" Hiroshi said right before he took a serious face.

Naruto Fanfic: Changed FateWhere stories live. Discover now