chapter 10 - sunstreaker!

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✔️ Rewritten & Edited!

As the four Cybertronians continued deeper into the planet, Sunstreaker wasn't worried. He was barely concerned, knowing that the Autobots were ready to get them out when he gave the word. Of course, he had his fears, deep within his Spark. He glanced to his right, seeing Blaze staring at the elevator doors like his pseudo-trinemate was. The yellow and black Autobot could barely see his anxieties behind his visor, and he gently elbowed him. The silver Autobot looked over at the other, confused.

"We'll be okay." He whispered, "The 'Bots will get us out, I promise."

Blaze nodded to the taller Autobot. They returned their gazes to the doors, returning to silence. Sunstreaker shuffled slightly, releasing a bored sigh through his olfactories. Only about a cycle later, the elevator stopped moving, indicating that they (finally) reached the Decepticon's secret base. The doors slowly slid open, taking the Autobots by surprise when the area didn't reek of death, and actually looked quite pristine. Many mindless and Sparkless Decepticon drones typed away at terminals, dragging their digits around the interactable screens. Others guarded the branching tunnels, and some carried containers holding weapons and Energon. Spinister and Ionstorm pushed their respective Autobots out of the elevator, causing them to grunt and almost trip over their own pedes. They glanced at each other to be sure that they were okay, but were forced to straighten themselves as the Decepticons walked up behind them. They resumed the same formation as the one from above, and were lead to a particular tunnel

"I didn't think your base would be better than what's up there." Blaze commented.

"We're not savages." Ionstorm said, "You Autobots and your stereotypes."

Sunstreaker rolled his optics at the last word. They marched into the tunnel, which was dark, merely being lit up by a soft blue glow from in the room ahead. The yellow and black Autobot didn't know if the other felt it, but he could feel immense dread wash over him as they neared the room. They stopped suddenly.

"Lord Megatron!" Spinister yelled down the tunnel, "Ionstorm and I captured two Autobot punks on Decepticon territory!"

The sound of shifting pistons was heard, originating from the dark room ahead. Then, the Autobots' Sparks dropped when they heard a deep, powerful voice come from the the dark room.

"You have?"

Oh slag. Sunstreaker thought.

No amount of training could prepare the two Autobots for this. They knew that the whole mission was to gather information from Megatron himself, and they thought they were ready for this moment. They were not. This would certainly either scar them for life, or be the best story to tell Sideswipe after they return.

"Yes, master." The helicopter Decepticon said.

There was silence for another long moment.

"Bring them here."

The two Decepticons pushed the captured Autobots down the tunnel, both walking behind to keep them from escaping. With no other choice, Sunstreaker and Blaze walked down the tunnel. They reached a room that was almost entirely dark, the blue screens that faintly glowing through the darkness to give the minimal amount of light in the room. That's when the yellow and black Cybertronian realized that there was a large figure in the way of some of the screens, sitting in a chair. Well, it looked more like a throne of sorts.

Must be Megatron. He thought.

Spinister stood next to Sunstreaker, while Ionstorm stood next to Blaze. The throne started to slowly turn, blocking the light from the screens when the object in it was fully turned to the four insignificant Cybertronians. The yellow and black Autobot tensed in fear, balled his servos into tight fists.

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