chapter 28 -- on the brink of battle

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Megatron stood before his soldiers, facing towards the neutral city, Polyhex. Today, he and his army would storm the city and demolish it, if that's what it took to find Alpha Trion. He didn't care if he harmed innocent lives. Their leaders harbored a Cybertronian Council member; a system which was corrupt, and they knew that.

By the warlord's sides were his trusted warriors – a red and blue-armored Cybertronian with pale-gray metal underneath named Starscream, and a blue Cybertronian with a yellow visor and a mouthplate named Soundwave. He looked at the blue Cybertronian, who looked at him in return. A sleek black and gray animal with the Decepticon insignia on both shoulders stood at Soundwave's side, tail lashing impatiently.

"Soundwave, has there been a report from Laserbeak yet?" Megatron asked.

"Laserbeak reported ten cycles ago." Soundwave said, voice strangely monotone, "Activity in Polyhex has spiked. It appears that Polyhexian leaders have raised a crude barrier around the city, and placed troops at its front."

The warlord rolled his optics as he looked away.

"No matter." He said, "They are only prolonging the inevitable. Starscream!" The Air Commander flinched at his name being shouted, but recomposed himself quickly, "You and your Seekers are to attack them from above. Hit the generators if you can."

"Yes, Lord Megatron." Starscream responded, fist over his Spark and bowing.

The warlord looked back in the direction of the city for a moment, and then turned to look at the Decepticon army. The soldiers looked restless, and he smirked. They would be a force the citizens of Polyhex wished they hadn't refused from.

"Today, Decepticons, Alpha Trion must fall!" The gunmetal-gray Cybertronian growled, "He is the last of the corrupt Cybertronian Council. Once he is gone, I, Megatron, can be placed upon that pedestal, and become the leader Cybertron needs!"

He lifted his fist into the air, glancing to the two commanders at his sides. They also had their fists raised in the air, mimicking their leader. Megatron's smirk grew, and he looked out at the soldiers.

"We have endured, and we will thrive!" He yelled, "Today will be the final day that the last of the Council lives!"

The Decepticon army roared, cheering at their leader's speech. Megatron and his trusted commanders turned, and he looked to Starscream again. The Air Commander saw this and nodded, smirking.

"Seekers, to the sky!" He yelled.

The blue and red Seeker transformed and flew away from the army, followed by multiple other fliers that stayed close behind. The Decepticons watched them leave, and then Megatron looked at the horizon.

"We march!" He announced.

Then, the Decepticon army followed their leader, making their way to the neutral city.

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Two Cybertronians walked down the halls of the Polyhexian Leadership Building. The taller of the two, who was tall and purple with yellow optics and a mouthplate, held a tablet in their servos, tapping on it and swiping all around. The other, who was white with gray details and bearing the Polyhexian Police Department badge, held a blaster in both servos, ready for any intruders to cross their paths. Thankfully, none would.

"Excuse my questioning, Knight Maximus, but what is the status of the generators?" The shorter of the two asked.

"They're okay, but they won't hold for the whole assault." Knight Maximus said, "If I know the 'Cons, they'll aim for the generators instead of brute-forcing through the barrier."

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