chapter 34 -- return

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Edited ✔️

The Autobots managed to return to Iacon without any more trouble. Zeta hadn't joined them yet, but Ultra Magnus assured that he was at Iacon already. He was proven correct as the Autobots (with Jetfire flying above them) approached Outpost Theta.

Once inside the hangar, Optimus was met with a reddish-orange blur engulfing him into a large hug. The red and blue Autobot didn't have to look down to see who it was, and he happily hugged the Autobot back.

"Thank Primus, you're okay!" Elita exclaimed.

Optimus only chuckled. Jetfire transformed and stood a little ways away, grunting and holding his arm. Ultra Magnus swiftly walked past them, to Zeta Prime, and spoke to him. Optimus and Elita separated.

"Are you okay?" She asked him.

"Yes, I'm all right." The larger Cybertronian said, "You?"

"I'm just glad you're back." Elita said, "What happened? Zeta's been really panicked since you disappeared."

"Megatron captured us." Optimus said, "Alpha Trion's--"

The tidal wave of guilt suddenly washed over him again.

Alpha Trion's dead. He thought, He's truly gone. What does that mean for the Autobots?

As soon as he thought of his mentor, Zeta Prime padded over to him. Optimus looked up at him. The Autobot leader looked tense and, if he wasn't mistaken, a little angry.

"I need to see you and Jetfire in my office after you've been checked by the medics." He said.

"Yessir." The red and blue Autobot said.

The Prime walked away, disappearing down a hall. The two Autobots waited a moment, and then Elita spoke.

"Like he said, you should get checked out by Red and Ratchet." She said, "I have to attend to other matters, unfortunately."

Optimus nodded in understanding. The reddish-orange Autobot kissed her lover over the cheekplate, then padded away. He watched her leave as well. Pedesteps approached him, and he looked in the direction they came from. Jetfire padded up to him, still holding his arm. He looked tired, but his optics shined brightly.

"You okay, Jetfire?" Optimus asked his tall friend.

The Seeker groaned. "Never better. You?"

"I'm fine." The red and blue Autobot responded with a nod, "Let's find Red Alert and Ratchet for repairs."

The taller Autobot nodded. The two padded out of the wing and down the hall, quickly making it to the infirmary. One of the medics was already busy with Bumblebee, while the other typed on a console in the other room. Red Alert looked up from the console he was typing at, smiling at the two Autobots.

"Optimus, Jetfire, good to see you." The senior medic said, then grimacing at the flier's injuries, "Well, maybe not in this circumstance."

"Yeah." Optimus said, "Can you look at Jetfire first? He crash-landed back in Polyhex."

The red and white Autobot nodded quickly. He directed the flier to a medical berth, then looked over at Ratchet.

"Ratch, when you're done, look at Optimus!" He called, then looked at said Autobot, "Ratchet's almost done with Bee. He'll look at you in an astro-cycle."

The red and blue Autobot nodded in understanding. Then, Red Alert left to check on Jetfire. Only a few astro-cycles later, Bumblebee turned the corner to leave the infirmary. He smiled at Optimus before leaving, and then Ratchet looked down the hall. Optimus padded over to the berth he was at, and sat down. The check was quick, and the medic said there didn't appear to be any major problems.

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