Chapter 2:

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Barry was sitting on a log drinking beer " Did you see her in that that dress?" he said shaking his head " Didn't know the bitch could look good" I said rolling my eyes at him " I might get to know her" he said nudging me " You don't want to know that" I went to get a drink.

When I got back Barry was gone until I spotted him talking to Eve. " Fuck off, Barry. Don't you have some drugs to sell" She rolled her eyes at him. I walked to them and pulled him away " Come on Barry. Didn't you hear the bitch. We have some drugs to sell". We got bored and went back to Barry's place.

" Here" he said, signaling to the cocaine of the table. I sniffed it and adrenaline rushed through my veins. Getting high was my only escape from this fucked up, shitty reality. I got onto my bike and started to drive. I found my self in front of my house. I stumbled onto the kitchen floor, when I heard laughing coming from the back.

I popped my head out and saw Eve and Sarah walking into the house. I quickly hid behind the sofa so they won't see me shit faced and plus Eve won't stop calling me out on doing drugs and I wasn't in the mood for her shit. They walked up to Sarah's room " I won't stay long" she said to my sister while walking up the stairs " Stay as long as you want" Sarah said closing her bedroom door.

I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich. Sarah's door opened again and I saw Eve looking around " At the end of the hall" Sarah yelled. I walked up the stairs and walked inside my room. I found Eve looking around, touching my things " What are you doing?" I said deepening my voice. She gasped and turned around " I was looking for the bathroom" she said rolling her eyes at me. She started to walk out but I blocked her way. " What?" she said with an attitude " Rafe, I'm not in the mood for your games." She pushed me again but I was too strong.

My heart started to race and I pinned her to the wall. Her face dropped and her breath quickened. " Rafe" she warned. My lips crashed into hers and she pushed me away " What the fuck!" she screamed at me. I moved a step forward, decreasing the space between us.

My Drug (  A Rafe Cameron story)Where stories live. Discover now