Chapter 12:

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I woke up to her naked body pressed against mine. I walked out to the bathroom and had a shower. I heard her call out my name. The bathroom door opened, and she stepped in "Rafe?" she said rubbing her eyes "Huh?" I said pocking my head out. I heard the door close, and I got dressed and went downstairs. The door rang and she looked at me panicked. "Who is it?" I asked her "I don't know. Hide!" she said walking to the door. I hid in the box room.

"Hey!" she said "Hey, Eve. You busy?" he asked, I immediately recognized the voice, JJ! "Yeah. Umm I'm cleaning" she said "Oh. Do you need help?" he asked. NO! "No, it's okay. Thanks though" That's my girl! I heard the door close, and I stepped out of the room. "What did he want?" I asked her "If you know it was him, you know what he wanted" she rolled her eyes at me. I walked behind her, she turned to me, and I lifted her up onto the counter. She looked at me, something was on her mind. "Did you like the knife thing?" she said staring into my eyes "I did. Did you?" I asked her "Surprisingly I did" she admitted. I smiled at her and I went to make her some pancakes.

"You can cook?" she said teasing "Yes I can" I rolled my eyes. "I'll be taking a shower. Don't burn the house!" she yelled walking upstairs. I made the batter and started to cook them. I made them in heart shapes, and I made little chocolate chip faces on them. She came downstairs and sat at the table. I handed her the plate and her face brightened, her skin glowing. "They look so cute!" she exclaimed "Let's hope they taste good" she was in playful mood this morning.

We sat on the sofa staring at the wall. Our hands intertwined, I looked down at her and she said "I want to try" she turned a deep red. "What's this something new?" I asked her. She fidgeted with her hands, trying to find the words. She stood up and walked up stairs. I stayed on the sofa waiting for her. She came down with my gun "How did you know about my gun?" I asked walking towards her. "I saw it" she handed me the gun. "Point it at my head" she said. I looked at her shocked "No" I said "Do it" I pointed the gun to her head. She removed her shirt and her pants, then her bra. Now, I understand.

I placed the gun in her mouth, I grabbed her face violently and looked her straight in the eyes. I felt her lose her balance, but I kept a tight grip on her. "You like it rough, Eve. You dirty whore" my words, made her moan. I smiled at her and I removed the gun from her mouth. She looked at me, her eyes wild. I traced the gun across her naked body. I pushed her onto the sofa and spread her legs wide open. I buried my head between them.

She gripped onto the sofa, her legs stiffened and started to tremble. I watched as she came onto my fingers. "Only I can do this to you. Only I can touch you. Only I can please you" I said, dominating her. She nodded frantically. She licked her lips and pulled me onto the sofa. She turned on top of me and removed my pants. Her hands wrapped around my length, and I hissed as her hands moved. She stared into eyes as I was completely at her mercy. She licked her lips again and opened her mouth to speak ""Only I can do this to you. Only I can touch you. Only I can please you" she repeated my words, seductively as she sent me over the edge.

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