Chapter 24:

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Eve woke up and ran to the bathroom. I got up and ran after her, worried. I held her hair as she emptied her stomach in the toilet. She yelled at me to get out too many times but I wouldn't listen. She stood up and I handed her a glass of water " You okay?" I asked and she nodded, pushing me to the side to get through. Eve changed into sweats and an over sized t-shirt, pulled her hair in a bun and put on flip-flops. " Ready?" I asked as she grabbed her phone " Yup" she said entering my car. The drive to the doctor was silent. I parked my car in the parking lot and made our way into the clinic.

I held Eve's hand and squeezed tightly as she laid down on the examination couch. I took a deep breath as the women spread some jelly cream on her belly and taking the ultra-sound. Eve kept on looking at the screen, a nervous expression on her face " Is he the father, Eve?" the women asked her " Yes" Eve said to her " Nice to meet you, Doctor Steph Adams." She introduced herself " Rafe Cameron, Father" Eve let out a snort and laughed at how uncomfortable I was. " Is everything okay?" Eve asked " Yes" she responded " So?" I asked her impatiently " I'll tell you in two minutes" she said leaving us in the room. Eve got off the couch and sat on a chair " This belly is killing me and it still need to grow more!" she said frustrated. I chuckled as she struggled to get off the chair " Help me" she yelled at me and I pulled her off.

Doctor Adams entered the room and we both looked at her and she smiled " Do you want to know the gender of your baby?" she asked " Yes!" we both screamed at her " It's a....." For fuck sake say it women! " Boy!" she said cheerfully " It's a healthy looking boy. Congrats" I hugged Eve and kissed her, a tear rolled down her cheek. We got into the car and she kept on looking at the Ultra-sound pictures, smiling. I placed my hand on her thigh and squeezed gently. I parked and helped her out the car " One, two, three" she said as I pulled her off the seat. I stood in front of her and dropped to my knees and kissed her belly " Little Apollo" I said, feeling warmth and happiness. I kissed Eve's head and walked inside to deliver the news to my family. Eve's mum was waiting for us in living room with everyone else.

" Hey" I said to everyone and Eve smiled at them " So?!" Rose and Carol yelled at us, waving their hands in the air " Little....." I started saying torturing them " A.... Apollo!" They all laughed and hugged us. I had released that Eve was right a baby does bring joy and happiness. Apollo had brought me and Eve together but I can't help but think he's the only reason why. I watched Kiara show Eve the other things she bought that were gender neutral " I bought him the black tracksuit you saw last week" Kiara said excited " Thank you, Ki" Eve said hugging her. The door knocked and my dad went to open it. Ben ran down and sat on Eve's lap, telling her he'll visit little Apollo every summer and teach him to play with his new remote control car. My father came back and whispered something into Rose's ear. He had a worried look on his face. He signaled Kiara and she left to the door. I kept on looking but I couldn't see anything, finally the door closed and my father grabbed my arm " Be calm. He means no harm" he said through his teeth.

JJ entered the living room. My jaw clenched and my hands formed a fist. Eve stood up and he handed her a bag, she took out a small pair of black shoes and a jacket. She thanked him, he tried to hug her but she moved back. He looked at me and I gave him a glare " Well congratulations to both of you. I hope you'll have a happy, healthy family. I have to leave" and he disappeared. Eve walked beside me and kissed my cheek. " At least he got some nice stuff" I said to lighten the mood, she just smiled. " I love you" she said " I love you. Both" I said placing my hand on her bump. She traced her fingers across my knuckles as we watched our families talk, drink and eat.

"One last thing" my father said, walking towards us " Here" he said to me placing keys in my hand " What's this?" I asked him " Your house" Eve and I looked at him and Eve's mouth dropped "No, you can't" she said to my father " Please. I insist" She nodded and hugged him. "Thank you so so much" " Your things have already been moved while you were at the doctor" he continued. " 25, Ally street" " Just in front the cost" Eve said, her eyes glowing " Exactly" " Well, Go!" Rose yelled at us. We got our gifts and ran to the car. The drive was only about ten minutes. I opened the door and everything was so modern and huge. The floor was marbled and the kitchen and living room were all white. Eve was glowing, her smile only getting wider. She walked into our bedroom, it was a dark shade, the furniture black, a king size bed stood in the middle of the huge room and on the side a bathroom, with an open ceiling. We had a guest room, a main bathroom and at the end of the hall, the nursery. It was all white, on the wall; stickers of cartoons and some small paintings, toys and other baby things filled the room. "This is too much" Eve admitted " You don't like it?" I asked " I love it!" she said and laughed.

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