Chapter 20:

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I stopped in front of the bathroom door waiting for her but after 10 minutes I stepped into her room. The storm got worse and I looked out of the window. I looked on her desk at a small frame of her with my sister, JJ, John B, Pope and Kiara. She looked so happy. I sat down on the small chair and moved a history book, a small picture fell on the floor. When I picked it up, I saw a us. She was smiling and I was looking at her, we were near the beach, I remembered that day when we went on a picnic, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. It was the day I knew I loved her more than life it's self. She was mine. Her smile wasn't as wide as the other picture but it was still a genuine smile. Their words kept on repeating in my mind He'll ruin you. At that moment I decided I won't, I will not ruin her.

She walked slowly into her room and her face dropped when she saw me with the picture in my hand " Get out" she was serious and mad " No" I stood my ground " It's my house" she clenched her jaw " We have to talk about things" I tried to stay calm for her, for us " Not this time. I'm done being your bitch. You know what, I get it. You aren't perfect and we both have our issues but I can't keep on doing this, you get mad over something small and then you apologize and I have to forgive you because I love you. You say you love me but that isn't enough. You have to show me, Rafe. Show me you love me, not during sex but the little things" Her words hit me in the gut and I felt like I was about to throw up " I'll try. I'll change, I promise. Please, Eve don't leave me" I couldn't lose her. " That's isn't enough" She turned and looked away. I walked to her and I dropped her towel to the floor. I kissed her neck and wrapped my arms around her. I felt a tear fall onto my hand " Don't do this to me. Let me love you, let me make you feel good" I said into her neck as I trailed my hand down her stomach leaving goosebumps " You want me, Eve" I kept on talking until she finally heard enough. She pushed me off her and pulled a shirt on " I don't want to be with someone who I know will never give me what I want." She yelled at me. " Go!" she pointed to door " Please" she begged me, exhausted. I gave in and walked out but I stopped at the door and said " I love you" A tear rolled down her cheek and I walked out. I got into my car and drove in the rain. I drove for hours and I finally stopped in front of Barry's. I knocked on the door and he opened. " Hey" he said " Drugs. A lot of it. I have money" I said, rushed. He went to  the back and brought me two packets of cocaine. The drug in my system made me feel good, numb. She was finally off my mind. I had missed this feeling, feeling nothing. Barry pushed me off the couch and I stumbled onto the table " You've had enough. Another one might kill you" he said concerned " So be it" I pushed my self off the ground and I snorted the last line. I stood on my feet but I couldn't walk and suddenly everything went black. I heard Barry's voice echo Rafe..... Rafe.....Rafe.

I woke up in a hospital bed with my father by my side. " Rafe?" my father's voice was soft " Huh?" I said pushing my self up " Let me help you" he said helping me stand up and placing me on the chair " Eve" I said to him and looked around the room " She's not here" he said slowly. " Why did you do that?" he asked me " I lost her, Dad. She doesn't want me" I admitted " She isn't going to want you more after this Rafe" I never talked to my father about Eve but he knew she made me happy " I thought you stopped " " I did, because of her " His face dropped " Then don't start again for her" His words made sense to me and I knew them but I don't know what got into me, I didn't want to feel the pain I was feeling and drugs were the only thing that made me numb. I dropped my head into my arms and I heard the door burst open.

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