Chapter 8:

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I drove home and went sprinting up to my room. I could still feel her, her skin against mine. Images of her enjoy what I do to her made me feel alive. Eve had done something to me and I to her. She acted as if she didn't wanted me but saw through her act, she wants me just as bad as I want her.

It was a Saturday morning and Sarah came downstairs " Is something happening between you and Eve?" she asked me " What?" I looked at her " You heard me?" she said with an attitude " And who told you that ?" I said to her acting innocent " JJ and she started to act weird ever since she stayed here and I thought you did something" she said walking out the kitchen

I stayed quiet, I heard her open the front door " Where are you going?" I asked her " John B's" she said walking out the door. I picked up my car keys and ran to catch up with her " I'm driving you" I said to her opening the car door. She rolled her eyes and entered the car. I put on some music and I drove her to John B's. She got out of the car and closed the door. I went out behind her " What do you think you're doing?" she said fuming " Hanging out with my sister" I said smirking at her. She let out a sigh and stomped onto the porch.

JJ's eyes kept following me, studying my every movement. I sat down next to Kiara " Personal space" she said pushing me away from her. I looked around and Eve was nowhere to be seen. Finally the door burst open and she came out with some beers in her hand. She nearly dropped them when she saw me on the couch. She gave everyone beers except me " None for me?" I said teasing her, she went back inside and got me one " I was sitting there" She said rolling her eyes at me " Sit here" JJ said, patting on his lap. She looked at me and moved to sit on his lap.

I clenched my fists and stared at them. JJ gave a smirk which made me want to crack his skull open. John B, Sarah and Kiara left to get some food for us. Eve got up and went inside. JJ left to get drinks. I stayed outside for a bit and walked inside. Eve was chopping some vegetables and I wrapped my hands around her waist. She gasped and looked at me " Get off" she warned " Did I startle you ,baby?" I whispered into her ear. I could feel her heart beat increase.

I brushed against her, bending her over the counter. She moved and slipped from my grip. " What are you doing here anyway?" she said rolling her eyes and catching her breath " I came to see you" I said smirking at her. " Sure" she said pushing me to the side and continued her work. " Are going to do something or just stand there" she snapped at me. I got up and looked at her " Peel the potatoes" she demanded.

I finished peeling the potatoes and I turned to her " I'm ready" I said, she turned to me and handed me a knife and chopping board " Cut them into little squares" " Yes ma'am" I said and she shook her head, a smile appearing on her face. She moved to the window and she put on the radio. A song came on and she hummed. I looked at her and I smiled. She started to dance and sing. I stopped chopping and I leaned against the counter. She kept on singing and dancing until the song ended, she turned to me and she saw I was watching her with a smile. She had a serious look on her face, our eyes met and we both burst into laughter.

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