Chapter 10:

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"Fuck" I screamed. I had let her go. What if she goes to him? What if she chooses him? My mind was racing. I pulled out a small packet from my pocket and took some of the cocaine out on my hand. As I inhaled, I didn't feel any better, not this time. Eve was still rushing through my mind, reminding me of how I fuck up every good thing I have.

I drove home wishing she was still here. I went inside and Sarah was on the couch waiting for me " What the fuck did you do?!" she screamed at me. " You had to ruin JJ and Eve's relationship! Why? It's not like you want her!" she kept on yelling. I didn't say anything, the drug was still in my system. " You don't want her, do you?" she stopped screaming. If only you knew. " No" I lied. She let out a sigh and I walked to my room.

I looked around and memories of Eve on that desk and when I first kissed her flashed in front of me, hitting me like a bus. Eve had put a spell on me. I stayed up all night. I went to hang out with Barry. I sat on his sofa and watched T.V " Shit, dude. You look like shit" he said sitting next to me. " I didn't sleep last night" I said exhausted " Eve?" he asked. I didn't reply " Look dude. I don't know but you have gone soft." He said placing his hand on my shoulder. " But if you really like her fight for her " he said " Wow! Those were some really wise words Barry." I said to him " Was that you or the drugs talking?" I looked at him "Both" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him.

I got the urge to see her and make her mine. I had to. I drove to her house but she wasn't there "Fuck! Fuck!" I yelled in the car, hitting the steering wheel multiple times. I drove home, thinking and planning on how I can make her mine and show him she has always wanted me. But I wasn't sure that was the case. Did she want me? I walked into the living room and Sarah walked in " I'm going to a party tonight. Are you coming?" she asked me. I shook my head and she went upstairs to get ready. Sarah left and I was home looking at the ceiling until I finally had an idea. She would be there. She'd be at the party.

I got dressed and wore black jeans and a tight white shirt. I fixed my hair and applied a shit load of perfume and deodorant. I drove to the party and a bunch of people were outside. The loud music could be heard from miles away. I entered the house and searched for Eve. I finally spotted my sister " Hey" I spoke to her loudly " Hey! You came?" she said surprised " Yeah. Is Eve here?" I asked her, getting a glare from my sister " Yes. Leave her alone" she said and disappeared into the crowd.

I walked into every bathroom and I couldn't find her anywhere. I finally found myself in a balcony and I saw Eve looking down at the dancing crowd, she was resting against the railing. She was wearing a tight red dress, it made her curves more evident and her ass, fuck, did it make her ass look great. I walked slowly towards her. I stood beside her but she was distracted looking at something... someone. She was staring at JJ, slowly dancing with Kiara. I was about to leave but something told me that she wanted me and only me. You could call it a gut feeling.

I walked back to her and brushed against her. " You look stunning in that dress, baby" I traced my finger over her arm, leaving goosebumps. Her breath quickened as I brushed against her. I was hard and she could feel me against her. She slowly moved her ass, brushing harder against me. I grunted and I moved my mouth to her neck, sucking at the skin. She let out a slight moan, never stopping brushing against me. I lifted her dress up, leaving her exposed to me, I slid her panties to the side as I slipped two fingers inside her. She held tightly on the railing, her knuckled turning white. I pumped in and out of her. I slid a condom on and I thrusted into her.

I fucked her right there, in front of him. She turned her head to me " No, look at him. Let him see what I do to you" I said increasing the pace. " He could never make you feel the way I do, Eve. He'll never be me" I said, as released into the condom. She turned to me, panting. I fixed myself and I kissed her, hard. She looked at me her, feet shaking. She held onto my arm and I helped her re-balance. " I don't want to be here" she said " Let's go then" I said. She stopped " I can't w-walk" she said embarrassed. I smiled at her and swung her off her feet and carried her to my car.

She stared at me while I drove. " No one is at my house" she said " That's where we're going" I said to her. She opened the door and hurried upstairs. " I need to change" she said to me " I'll choose a movie" I said to her. I'm not having sex with her, not that I don't want to but let's take it slow. I chose 'The Hunger Games' and she came out with a towel wrapped around her.

She looked at the T.V and said " I love this movie" I smiled at her and she got dressed. I took of my shirt and threw it at her. " Wear this" She smiled at me and put it on. She climbed next to me and placed her head on my chest. She fell asleep half way through the movie. I watched as she peacefully slept. 

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