Chapter 77 - Ashley | Darkness

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"You are your best thing."
- Beloved by Toni Morrison

A/N: double update (chapter 76 & 77)

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A/N: double update (chapter 76 & 77)


I could feel my heart beating faster as I blinked through my tears to read the last of the files Harry had brought. And now I knew the whole truth.

The deviant and horrible truth about our fathers. Now I understood everything, the dots gave a clear picture.

Well, not everything. I do not understand why. Why are they doing this?

The pain and the hurt had just become so much that I reached the peak, the final end. It was like a switch had simply been flipped inside my mind, and I was feeling completely numb as my tears stopped falling.

I was done

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I was done. So fucking done.

With everything.

"Money laundering and forced prostitution? So that's their dirty business?" I looked at Harry in horror, my sadness completely gone and numbness taking over my body.

I am so disgusted and completely disturbed by my father and Robin. They are deviant and horrible people who don't deserve to live.

"Yeah, they've been pulling this thing off for years. Seventeen years to be exact." Harry replied through clenched teeth, arms crossed in front of his chest.

Seventeen years is a hell of a long time. So many lives have suffered and God knows how many have died. My breath catches in my throat at the thought of it.

We both sat across from each other on the sofa in the living room. The files and loose papers spread wildly around us. It took hours to go through all the material but it was necessary.

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