Chapter 84 - Ashley | Payday

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"Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime."
- Mineko Iwasaki

"- Mineko Iwasaki

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"Wake up, bitch." the muffled words finally pierced through my dream.

How strange, I had dreamed that Harry and I had been blindsided in the parking lot of the hospital where we had visited Layla and then pulled into a van, and it felt so real.

Wait, was I just called a bitch? And it definitely wasn't Harry's voice, I'd recognize it out of thousands.

Fuck, don't tell me it wasn't a fucking dream.

Suddenly I felt a punch in my face, yep definitely not a dream the pain was too real. I snapped my tired eyes open, my eyelids felt heavy and I immediately felt the right side of my face swell from the strong blow.

"Shit." I groaned painfully, I still couldn't see clearly and my head was spinning.

It took a few more seconds until I could finally make out something of my surroundings. But I couldn't identify the place where I was, where the hell am I?

"Finally," scoffed a woman's voice, annoyed. "The princess is awake!"

I blinked a few times until I could recognize the face of the woman in front of me. Shit, I know her. Her blonde hair was tied up in a high braid and a few strands hung loosely in front of her face.

She is part of the Kiwi clan and thus belongs to Kaiden's inner circle.

"Wendy, isn't it?" I asked in a strained voice, because I hadn't spoken in a while. My face hurt when I spoke, apparently this wasn't the first blow I had taken in the last few hours.

"Someone remembers our last meeting," she said with pursed lips. "But after all, as a CIA agent you're trained to remember details like names and stuff, so excuse me if I leave the praise aside, yeah?"

"As if I need praise from someone like you." I replied coldly, I straightened my body and with a quick glance down I registered that I was once again tied to a chair.

Fucking fantastic.

But the place was different this time, it was cleaner and more illuminated. Was I perhaps in their headquarters? I don't think that I'm underground.

"Ashely Ashely Ashely, still as arrogant as the last time we met, huh?" she snapped as she walked around my chair to inspect me.

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