The Accident

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Being freed from the Void was the best thing his sons could have ever done. Bonus was they were also on the surface. Gaster could finally, finally get his revenge on the humans for murdering his family. For murdering his species. He absolutely hated Frisk, he could barely tolerate their presence in the same room as him. He refused to allow human workers into his lab. He was going to make humanity suffer, as they'd made him suffer. Now he was trying to channel the C.O.R.E's energy into weapons. Sans and Papyrus couldn't know about this. For whatever reason they liked those disgusting creatures, despite Sans know about the genocides. No matter. They would see the truth behind those sweet talking, manipulative, hateful beings.


He summoned one of his blasters and hooked it up to the C.O.R.E's main supply line. It was time to see if it could be done. Gaster input a few codes into the machine, and pulled down a lever. Energy started pooling from the C.O.R.E to his blaster and everything seemed to be going well.. until it wasn't. Alarms blared, and emergency lights flashed. The C.O.R.E energies were to much for the blaster, things were unstablizing quickly. Gaster ran to the panel to shut it all down. That's when the explosions started happening. Gaster staggered back as the panel sparked and burst apart, unknown Energy was infusing the room. He had to get out! It wasn't safe- another explosion, larger than the panel sent Gaster flying back and slamming into the exit door. It was the blaster, bursting into pieces, coming right towards him, everything was destabilizing-


Dark. Blackness all around him. Was he back in the Void? Had he ever truly left? Was it all a dream? "dad?" That voice.. "DAD!" Sans. Papyrus. "don't worry old man, you're gonna be ok.." Had to get back to them. "WHAT HAPPENED?" He reached forward. "seems he was caught up in an explosion." He needed his sons. "HE NEEDS TO SEE A DOCTOR!" He needed to apologize. "i know bro. imma teleport. i'll be back." For not being there for them. "PLEASE BE OK DAD.." For making Sans raise Papyrus on his own. "he will be.." For being a horrible father..


A rhythmic beeping filled Gaster's nonexistent ears as he woke up. "Ugh.." The darkness did not dissipate. What'd even happened? He lay there a moment, trying to piece things together. Blaster.. C.O.R.E.. explosions.. Annoying dog. His lab was probably in Ruins. He'd most likely went unconscious taking the brunt of one of the blasts. Well, this hadn't been his first explosion. It won't be his last. He could probably get the bandages removed, so he could see the damage done himself, and fix it. With some pain medications he could clean up the mess and start again. He started to push himself up, only to be eased back down. "woah old man. stay down. you already gave pap and i a scare."
"Sans? What happened after the explosion? Did any research survive?" Sans paused. Gaster could practically feel the frown behind Sans permanent smile. "no. it didn't."


Truth be told, some of the research had survived, Sans just didn't like what he'd seen. After all these years, Gaster was STILL going after the humans? He was TRYING to provoke them and start a war. Sans couldn't afford that. They needed the peace. So Sans destroyed the remaining research. He loved his dad, but he would do anything to keep the peace. Monsterkind needed it. "so.. uh.. how're your eyes?" He switched subjects. "My eyes?" Gaster asked. "they took the most damage, with all those foreign energies floating around, i'm hoping no real damage was done. pap and i wore masks and goggles to fetch you, just in case."
"If you could unwind the bandages.. I could see for myself."
Bandages? "uh, doc? there are no bandages. they were removed awhile ago.. before you woke up." Gaster's hands moved to confirm my statement. "No bandages.." Thinking on it.. Gaster's eyelights haven't appeared yet.. "don't freak out."
"I'm not." Gaster was stock still. He'd most likely reached the same conclusion I had. "i think your blind." He tensed. Then sighed, burying his face in his hands. The holes didn't help. "I know."


You weren't supposed to be here. You knew that, but you wanted to know. They had the lab blocked off with caution tape and hazard blocks. You managed to slip by anyways, entering the building through a vent. You explored around the lab, being careful not to be seen. Then you found the lab it happened in. The place was guarded and people in hazmat suits were everywhere. Seeing the distruction.. wow. "What happened here.." something glinted from the corner of your [E/C] eyes. You looked to see a shard of.. something on the ground, not far from the entrance of the lab. It was.. calling.. to you. You glanced at the guards. You needed to find a way in. You looked to the vent you'd come in through. And there was your ticket.


Didn't you just love dropping in? You landed with an 'oof' in the wake of the destruction. Luckily you'd somehow still not been caught. With quiet footsteps you approached the gleaming shard. It almost looked like a tooth, and on occasion, purple light gleamed on it. You picked it up. It was large, at least a foot long, and wide. One end was jagged, like it broke off something, and the other was pointed. Wanting to feel how sharp it was, you brushed your fingertip over the pointed end, hissing in pain as it actually pricked you, yet it felt more like you'd been shocked by someone. "Hey you!" Uh oh. The guards were coming at you. "It's not safe here! You need to leave!" You dropped the tooth thing and held up your hands. "I'm sorry! I was just curious.." You were unaware of the purple mark, forming on your hand.

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