Bum Ba Ba Ba~

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"What is the point of wedding songs at a wedding reception? That's the after party, right?" You asked Toriel. "Have you never been married? I thought you had, seeing as you have [C/N]."
"I never married their father, he was a accidental blessing." You replied as you continued looking for music for the reception. "Oh. I see.. well, the wedding songs are typically for the couple to dance to before the fun of the party begins. Oh! There is a lovely venue on the beach here, would you like to see?"
"Yes-" You peeked over. "Add that to the list." You decided to check on Undyne and Papyrus who were working on the food and drinks for the reception. "SPAGHETTI FOR THE MAIN COURSE, SHOULD THE SIDE DISHES BE SOUP? SALAD?"
"I feel the need to smash something." Undyne replied. "MASHED POTATOES IT IS!"


You checked on Alphys next, who was working on themes. "Black and [F/C] with a science flare.." She muttered trying out different settings. "Th-this would work better i-if they had a venue.." Tomorrow. You were choosing venues Tomorrow. You wanted to check on Sans, but you couldn't find him, Gaster, or Asgore. You reluctantly went back to the Playlist.


Gaster POV

"What about this set?" The jewler set out another set of wedding rings. "Asgore?" The goat monster examined the rings. "The ring is a silver band with a gold outline, the diamonds shape an infinity sign." I tilted my head. "And the other?"
"Also silver with a gold outline." He replied. I hummed. Sans shuffled over. "this one is black with small purple galaxy pattern. It's match is a black ring with a one carat yellow diamond, rounded out to look like the sun." Sans put the set down. "Where ever did you find those?" Asgore asked as I gently felt the rings. "it's amazing what you find in the back." Sans replied. "How much are they?" I asked the jewler. "$1008." I pulled out my money.


Your POV

You looked at the venue. "Man. This forest is beautiful.. the oaks and alders are so stunning.. could you make this place work for the wedding, Al?" She nodded. "I-I think so.. what do you think, Dr. Gaster?"
"Yes sweetheart, what do you think?" You hugged Gaster. "I'm blind. Anywhere will work so long as I don't trip on a random root." He half joked. "On to finding a reception venue!" Venue after venue was rejected. Even the beach one. "Ok.. next.." You dismissed with a sigh. "Next.. Rustic Meadows Dinning Hall." Toriel replied. They weren't kidding when they said rustic. It was a large, beautiful wooden structure lined with tables. In the back was a raised platform which would work for Nabsta and Metta. "This it the place.."


"Please don't make me look like a doll or a princess.. that's my only request." The ladies nodded and separated to look for wedding dresses. You had no clue what you were even looking for. Was that normal for a bride to be? You didn't know. "You look a little lost. May I help you ma'am?" You looked to the bridal stylist. "Yes please.." She chuckled. "Know what you're looking for?"
"Uh.. nothing poof or to long.. I guess." She gestured. "This way, ma'am." She lead you to a rack and started showing you some different style dresses. "That looks.. uncomfortable.. that one looks to short. That one's to skin tight. Sorry, I'm probably complaining to much.."
"It's fine. That is normal for a bride. They want their wedding perfect, after all." Toriel ended up saving the day, bringing the perfect wedding dress to you.


You flopped into your shared bed groaning. Gaster chuckled. "Rough day?"
"I hate dress shopping, we should have eloped." He brushed your hair out of your face. "Everything's done now. We will be married soon. The hard part is over, dear." He leaned in, kissing your crown gently. "I thought the hard part was setting up?" He shook his head, pulling you close. "That is the most laborious part, but not the hard part." He replied simply. You snuggled into him. "I need sleep. Gotta wake up early to take [C/N] to their last day tomorrow."
"Summer vacation already? Lucky child." You hummed lightly, already drifting off. "Good night, love you.."
"I love you... too.."


You walked down the leaf littered isle as 'Here Comes the Bride echoed through the forest via Undyne and her piano. In place of benches, there was office chairs. Part of the science theme you guessed. Black and [F/C] streamers hung of the trees along with wedding blueprints. It was oddly nice. Rustic mixed with modern. You could only assume that the wedding drinks would be beakers. You chuckled. Oh most definitely beakers. You took Gaster's hands and he smiled happily. "Ready?" You nodded an affirmative. "Ready." You replied. The ceremony started. Lots of talking. Lots of directions. When [C/N] came with the rings.. stars.. literally! They were perfect in every way. For a blind man, Gaster did well. Neither you or Gaster had much to say for the vows. "I vow to love you, and never bring harm." He started. "I vow to return your love and enjoy every moment." You vowed back. It continued. Finally, finally it was time for you to say "I do." Your lovable skeleton kissed his bride.

And that's that. My bed time is dangerously close and I hate updating in two different mindsets. Don't know if anybody has noticed in my other stories. How quickly they can switch and it might seem almost random.. I don't know. Anyway have a good morning/afternoon/night!


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