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Gaster released his hold of the child, staggering back as if he'd been it. You were a human.. this whole time.. he grit his teeth. And you'd let him believe otherwise! "Gaster..?" You'd went to you [C/G] to ensure they were ok. They were ok and a bit scared and a lot confused. "Are you, or are you not, a human?" His tone was cold and you flinched. "I am. I am a human."
"AND YOU JUST LET ME BELIEVE OTHERWISE?!" He roared, hurt. He wasn't going to show the human that though, he let his hate for humans feed anger into him. "What choice did you give me? You said you'd kill me. I wanted to redeem my species, show you that not all humans are bad! Is that so wrong?" He laughed coldly, and started speaking in a language you couldn't begin to understand.. yet, somehow you did understand it. "I had said that, hadn't I? The only thing you've done is remind my how horrible you're species is, deceiver. For that, you will pay dearly." He summoned a dragonic, skull thing and it started charging.


As soon as it fired, Sans placed himself between you and his angry father and fired his own blaster to counter Gaster's. "afraid i can't let ya do that, old man." Sans.. blamed himself. It was his idea. With the whole magic development, he thought he could finally stop Gaster's hate. He'd only made it worse.. "Sans, take [C/N]. Let me talk with him.."
"but what about what you said, ignore what I said back then. Let me talk to Gaster." [M/C] magic was cackling along your arms. "i'm gonna be right back."
"Make sure they're safe."
"you know i will." Sans took [C/N] and led them away.


"Gaster.. I know you're mad, but we've had fun times together.." He summoned bones, which you blocked with your staff. "You lied!"
"I know I did, and that was wrong of me! I'm sorry!" You pleaded. "Dirty human scum, I'll KILL you!" He grabbed your soul and threw you across the house. "Y-you're overreacting G-gaster.." He summoned his hands and pinned you to the wall. "What else were you lying about, hm? Did you ever really love me, human? Or were you USING me? Trying to use my intelligence against my species. That's it, isn't it?!" Was he mad? "Why would I use you? I LOVE you Gaster! I love you so much it hurts!" He faltered. He.. loved you too.. or was it another one of your lies? His anger rekindled. "Well I HATE you! You're nothing more than a filthy, deceiving human!" He hissed. It hurt them both.. You didn't know what else to say.. Nor did he. They both knew it was over. Their relationship and this fight was over. Gaster let her drop in a heap on the ground. "You're lucky I'm giving you mercy, but only because the boys like you." He tried to make his way around the house and outside. You didn't dare move.


Sans took [C/N] to a neighbors house before teleporting back to yours. The place was a mess. Bones stabbed into the floor and walls. The further most wall was cracked a bit, with you leaning heavily against it as you struggled to stand. Tears stained your face and there were bruises on your wrists. "what happened?"
"It's over.. Gaster and I are... done.." You nearly went into another fresh set of tears. "anything broken?"
"Nothing but my heart." I faltered. "uh.. let's take care of those bruises then... i'm sorry about all this.."
"It's ok, Sans. You're not to blame. I thought I could change his stance too.. where's [C/N]?"
"a neighbors house said their kids could play with them for a bit."
"The Smith's. Good friends of theirs."
"let's get ya fixed up." You shook you head. "I can fix myself up. Find your father and make sure he's ok."
"even after everything, you still care?"
"He hates me, but I love him. So yes."

Light in the Dark (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now