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"Pens and pencils?"
"Check and check."
"Glue sticks, scissors, highlighters?"
"Check, check, check."
"Mommy." You chuckled. "I know, check. Your all ready, sweetie." They nodded. "Come on then. I'll drop you off on my way to work."


Soon you were at the school, saying goodbye to your [C/N]. "You be good for your teacher, ok?" They giggled. "Ok."
"And make good choices!"
"Ok Mommy."
"And don't let bullies push you around-"
"I got this. Don't worry."
"It's my job to worry." They gave you a hug. "Bye love you, have a good day at work!" You hugged back. "Bye love you, have a great first day at school.." Jeez They grow up to quick.


"Congrats Dr. Gaster. You're now officially a regular here."
"Unfortunately." He replied. "How's your magic coming along?"
"You leaned against the counter. "Not to bad actually. I can summon a [weapon of choice] now."
"really? ya must be a natural, kid." You shrugged. "Hey doctor G?" He 'looked' up. "Yes Ms. [Y/N]?"
"How well do you know the city?"
"Hm.. decently well. Why?"
"I was thinking after work I could bring you and Sans on a tour? Free of charge."
"I may take you up on that offer." Gaster agreed. "sorry kid, as much as i love free things, pap wants me to get a job, so i'm goin hunting today."
"Why don't you just work here? You're here literally every day."
"eh. to much responsibility."
"Work is responsibility, Sans." Gaster pointed out. Sans shrugged. "Well, you discuss that, I'm getting back to work."


You got off early today, which is why you offered to give a tour in the first place. You still had four more hours until you had to pick up [C/N] and you really didn't want to be alone. You liked company. When you stepped outside the bar, Gaster was waiting for you in his dark coat. "Taking my offer?"
"Sans insisted. I've been so busy, I have had no time for 'fun' He said. It would be a 'great' experience." Gaster grumbled, annoyed. "You really don't have to if you don't want to, Gas- doctor." He sighed. "Gaster is fine, and I might as well. Annoying dog knows I've been a terrible father. Might as well grant him this one thing. Just don't let me anywhere near a damned human!" You paused. He didn't know? "You don't like humans?"
"They are the scum of the earth and must pay for their sins." You flinched. "Uh.. if I may ask.. what'd they ever do to you?"
"What haven't they done? They slaughtered my species, started the war, sealed monsters underground, then had the gall to forget we were there!" That.. was valid, but still painful. You were definitely second guessing now.. but.. if this went well.. could it be a second chance to redeeming your species? "I'm sorry, Gaster. How about we drop the subject and take that tour?"


"This is the Fade district of town, also known as the historical district. This area holds the oldest buildings in the city, dating back to the 1800s." You pointed out. "For a bartender, you sure know alot about this place."
"Uh.. I'm a sucker for history.." Stars you really didn't like lying to him. You didn't like lying to anyone. Truth was, your great, great grandfather founded the city. Your family had been well known, but your father gambled that all away before you were born. Now you lived paycheck by paycheck raising [C/N]. You honestly preferred it this way. Gaster nodded. "Interesting."


"The slums.. one of the saddest parts of the city. I wish I had the money to help these people.."
"Why? They're just humans." You looked over at Gaster. "I get it. Your mad at them, but that was generations Ago! Could it have occurred to you that maybe humans have changed?"
"Savages never change." He stated shortly. Your grip on the wheel tightened. "I think your wrong." He huffed, offended. "I'm never wrong."
"You're wrong Gaster." Frustrated, hurt tears pricked your eyes. You willed them away. "You're wrong.." He tilted his head. "That was the last stop. Tours over. I'll drop you off at the bar."
"You're angry."
"No, no. Not at all." You tried to keep the sarcasm out of your voice. Gaster sighed, but said nothing more.


The ride back to the bar was tense silence. "I apologize."
"Disregarding your opinion. You're entitled to it. I simply have a different one."
"I'm sorry for getting mad. I.. I believe everyone deserves mercy. Even humans."
"Perhaps.. you could drive me home? I do not believe Sans is going back to the bar and I'd rather not walk alone if I can."
"Fine. Where to?" You asked ask you clicked on the blinker to head to the Underground district. "0102 Snowdin St. South side." You nodded. "You.. said you were a terrible father. How so?"
"I've.. done things I should have never done to the boys and was never there to raise them properly. Especially Sans. He'd had it the worst. On top of that I was.. gone when Papyrus was a babybones. Sans was only six and had to raise the boy on his own."
"So you're trying to make it up to them."
"I believe.. I am past redeeming. I don't think I can ever make it up to them."
"No. At least you're trying. My dad gambled my life away then never came back. So did [C/N]'s father."
"My [C/G]. They are at school today."
"I didn't know you were a parent."
"I am. Is it a problem?"
"No. I may just ask you for tips on parenting now." You chuckled. "Ok."


"Here we are. 0102 South Snowdin St." Gaster nodded and climbed out. "[Y/N]?"
"Thank you for this. I had a great time." You smiled. "Me too."
"See you tomorrow, [Y/N]."
"See you tomorrow, Gaster." Now to pick [C/N] up.

Light in the Dark (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now