Skele Family Time

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On your day off you paid the Gaster Family a surprise visit. Gaster opened the door. "Hello?"
"Hey Gaster." He visibly perked, a smile forming on his face. [Y/N].. what brings you here?"
"Oh you know.. I was walking by and decided to see what my boyfriend was up to." He made a humored hum. "Just decided hm? Where is that child, [C/N] then, hm?"
"Spending the night at a friend's house, actually." You replied smartly. "I suppose it isn't wise to leave my girlfriend standing outside my house, is it?" He stepped aside and you walked in. The walls were a sweet honey color and the floors were a beige carpeting. There was a shoe rack to one side and a closet on the other. There was a doorway in front, leading to a T shaped hallway. "Nice room you've got here." You complemented as you took off your shoes. "Thanks. I'm sure the living room looks much better though. "Let's go then, shall we?"


You turned left at the conjunction, which led to three rooms. A bedroom, a bathroom, and a living room. The living room was open, nightstands on either side of the couch. Pictures hung on the walls of the skeleton trio. A TV was placed across from the blue couch. A recliner was in the corner, with yet another nightstand. Sans oozed into the left side of the couch while Papyrus sat as straight as a pin on the right side. Gaster waltzed over to the recliner. "HELLO H- [Y/N]!" Papyrus noticed you immediately while Sans.. he cracked a socket open, grinned wider, then closed it. "hey."
"Good.." You looked around for a clock. You found one above the doorway. "Afternoon boys." You concluded. Gaster relaxed on the recliner. "Come. Join me." You walked over there's no room-" He grabbed your sleeve and pulled you into his lap. "For a gentleman, that wasn't very gentlemanly.." You were a blushing mess. Sans was trying not to laugh while Papyrus smiled brightly.


You got comfortable on Gaster's lap. After the Mettaton Show at noon, Papyrus excused himself to make lunch. Sans was passed out on the couch. "I.. have a question that I've been meaning to ask."
"Ask away." He hummed, contently. "What does WD stand for." He groaned immediately. "I was afraid this would come up.."
"You don't like your first name?"
"No. It's absolutely horrid. I hate it with a passion." You thought about the next question. "Almost.. as much as you hate humans..?"
"Not nearly as much as I hate humans." He replied bluntly. "You're sure humans are just that bad, aren't you.."
"I am. That is the one stance I'll always keep." He said firmly. You looked away. Maybe this wasn't going to work. "And, metaphorically, if I was a human?" His face darkened. "I would kill you for deceiving me." You swallowed thickly. "R-right.."
"But that is not the case. Humans haven't had magic in hundreds of years." He brightened. "SOMEONE WAKE SANS, LUNCH IS READY!"


On the right side of the conjunction there was four rooms. Two bedrooms, another bathroom, and the kitchen. The kitchen was a mess of pots and pans. A table sat in the center of the room. Four dishes of spaghetti, you think, were set in four spots. The skeletons all took their seats so you took the open one next to Gaster. You weren't so sure dating him was a good idea anymore. If he found out.. would he actually kill you? What about your mom? What about [C/N]? They needed you, especially [C/N]. "What's wrong?" Gaster picked up on your mood. "Your words earlier.. disturbed me." You spoke slowly. "Disturbed.. oh. Right. You like humans. I apologize, I will refrain from such commentary as death when it comes to them." You bit your lip. "Thank you, Gaster."


Sans caught you alone while Gaster went to the bathroom. "don't have second thoughts now, i know he won't hurt you. what you're trying to do is a good thing for him. i haven't seen him happy in a long time.."
"I thought you were sleeping?"
"don't make assumptions, [N/N]." You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck. "I.. I'll be around. I genuinely like Gaster when.."
"he's not going off about humans?"
"he won't hurt you, [Y/N]. imma make sure of it." You smiled weakly. "Thanks Sans. I have to much to lose."

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