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The next few days Gaster was staring at you with empty sockets. It was a bit unsettling. On top of that, you've been feeling.. weird. At first you thought it might some bug or something, but there was more to it then that. Your fingers tingled, your soul pounded, you got lightheaded. Sometimes you could swear you felt something other than blood rushing through you. Something foreign. You didn't know what was wrong. It was kinda starting to scare you. You didn't want want [C/N] to get whatever this was, so they'd be with their grandma until you got this figured out. "[Y/N].. are you feeling alright? You seem out of it.."
"Honestly.. I'm not feeling to hot, Grillbs.."
"Sans would be so proud, is it a human illness? Need a day or two off?" Grillby asked. "I.. don't know. It is something I've never had before. I'm.. not sure if I can work, who this could affect.. or if I can afford days off."
"You can use your P.T.O." He nudged you out. "Now go before you get me sick." He teased lightly.


"kiddo? you alright?" Sans followed you out of the bar, Gaster was behind him. "Honestly? Not really. I'm sick."
"Sick how?" Gaster asked. You shook your head. "don't know, huh? what are your symptoms?"
"What are you, a doctor?" You teased. Your fingers were tingling again, making you clench and unclench your fists in an attempt to make it go away. "Lightheaded? Dizzy? Slight fever? Feverish or pounding soul? Tingly or numb limbs?" Gaster asked. "... some of those. How did you know?"
"it's your magic, kid, and yes, you do have magic." You stopped, processing the information. "Ok.... how do I make it stop..?" 'I HAVE MAGIC?! WHEN THE- WHAT WAS THIS INSANITY?! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?! WHAAAAAAT IS GOING ON!' "You learn to control it." Sans leaned over. "listen. as far as my dad knows, your a monster with new magic. i suggest sticking with the ruse, at least for now."
Gaster thinks your a monster? How has that- oh right.. he's blind. "Uh.. ok.." 'How do I do that!?' "Maybe I can have some tips, veteran to newbie?" You weren't going to lie to Gaster. You weren't going to full on tell him you were a human either.


Sans had went back to Grillby's, saying he forgot something. That left you with his human hating father. You looked over to the skeleton. He had a walking stick in his hands, at least until he learned.. what had Sans called it? Sensory magic. Right. "Tips depends on what type of magic it is. Something tells me it's similar to my own, though."
"What do you do?" You asked curiously. "Nothing much. Only blue magic, bone magic, gravity manipulation, extra hand summons, blasters.. the usual." You gawked. "Um.. that sounds like a lot, Dr. Gaster."
"You think? I've been using magic for so long, I suppose it is a bit overwhelming."
"How do you do it? Um.. out of curiosity. I'd.. like to see an example, if you don't mind." He sighed. "I suppose not." He opened his palm. "Magic is the extension of one's soul." Purple lit his hand. "So using your soul and sending it to say.. my hand.." A bone appeared, small, yet likely lethal. "You can do anything with it." And just like that, it was gone. "Does that help, Ms. [L/N]?" You nodded in awe. "Yeah.. it does. It was so small?"
"Attacks can come in any size you wish, it will still be just as good or bad as you wish. Intent is everything, [Y/N], that is my tip to you." Gaster looked at you with his blank stare. "Intent is everything, got it." He nodded. "I should probably see what is taking Sans. See you around?" He tilted his head. "See you, Dr. Gaster."
"I think.. just Gaster will do." He hummed quietly before tapping away with his stick.


You started your practice in the back yard where you were more or less alone and unable to break much things. It hadn't gone well at first, but you kept Gaster's tips in mind. Magic was the extension of the soul and Intent is everything. Sparks of [M/C] started forming in your palms, but couldn't take shape since you didn't know what to make it into. You had no intention of harming, but you also wanted something that could protect you and [C/N]. You.. didn't have many ideas. It was while you were getting ready for bed when a few ideas came to your head. You went outside and sent magic to your hands. From there you tried to give it a long, thin, yet powerful form. Something like a pole, or stick? You supposed Gaster's walking stick was the source of inspiration. You could 'break' it to form two batons as well. The second idea was more of an upclose and personal attack. If you were caught and unable to break free, you could 'taze' the person with your fingertips. All in all, you were satisfied with this start. It may be awhile  before you have all your attacks down. You smiled. It was a start.

Light in the Dark (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now