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Papyrus was carrying the last box to the car. "hey, it can't be all bad.." Sans attempted to comfort you. "I'll recover.. eventually. Honestly your father was the first person I ever loved since [C/N]'s father, so maybe I'm just being overdramaic, but.." It was real to you. Gaster wasn't abusive or hurtful. You'd hurt him first, a regret you'd have to live with for the rest of your life. You'd betrayed his trust. "i think i understand what you mean." [C/N] was holding your hand tightly, the child a reminder that you weren't completely alone. They had helped through your breakup with their father, they'd help through this one. Not just them. Your mother, ever supporting, and your new friends that you'd made aka Sans and Papyrus. You squeezed [C/N]'s hand. "Let's get you buckled up."
"I can do it myself, mommy. You get better." They kissed your cheek and went to the car. "WE'LL BE BEHIND YOU!"



I feel like a fool, futility trying to return to a house [Y/N] may not even be in anymore. Not to mention I didn't know what direction it was, thus I was likely wandering the city, nowhere near my destination. "Are you lost, blind man?" I debated on whether to answer or not. To hell with it. "I'm afraid so. I'm trying to get to the east side of the city." The person in question chuckled. "Well you're a long way from there, friend." 'I am not your friend.' I thought to say, but held my tongue. I was rewarded. "I have a buddy who used to live over there before they were kicked to the curb, I'll go get them. Stay here, please." The person in question left. Kicked to the curb? Does that mean I'm in the Slums? Those sad excuses for human were helping me? I chuckled. "I really am pathetic, aren't I?" How could I be so wrong? "That the guy?"
"That's the guy. C'mon buddy, let's get ya to east side." I nearly flinched when they grabbed my sleeve to lead me. "Thank you kindly, human." Might as well get used to that. "No prob, friend."



You waited at a traffic light, wishing it would turn green. Why'd you wait to leave until traffic hour? You glanced in the rear view. You didn't notice it at first. Not until you did a double take. You knew that black coat and white skull anywhere. "[C/N], call Sans and have him pick me up at the bar in an hour." You handed them your phone. "Mommy..?"
"Mommy will be right back." You exited the vehicle and rushed to the sidewalk and after the skeleton. What were you expecting? You had no clue. "Gaster!" The skeleton paused, the two humans doing so as well. Wait- two humans? You slowed to a stop. "G-gaster..." You panted, having run to catch up to them. These people were from the Slums. What was he doing there? "I.. I'm sorry..... for..... for everything..." You gave yourself a moment longer to recover. "For lying to you. For deceiving you. I don't want what we had to end.."
"Thank you, humans. This is far enough, this is who I wished to find." He pulled out some money. "I wish you the best and hope things get better for you."
"O-oh.. thank you friend!"
"This is really kind payment, man!" Gaster huffed.


"You don't see that everyday. Did you mean what you said to them?"
"I will eventually. It takes more than a day to like an entire race again. They were kind and helpful though. Did you mean what you said?"
"Yes.. from the bottom of my soul. I love you, Gaster, and I missed you so much.." Gaster walked towards you the remaining distance. "I missed you as well, [Y/N].. I love you as well. I must also apologize for my actions. I've harmed you, overreacted, destroyed your house, and gotten you kicked out of it. For that, I truly apologize. I would like to start again, if you'll allow it." After a pause, you took Gaster's hand and shook it. "Hi, I'm [Y/N]. Would you be my boyfriend?" Gaster was confused at first, but caught on quickly. "Dr. Wingdings Gaster, I would love too."
"Wingdings? That's it?"
"Don't start, human."
"It's cute! I love it!"
"I hate it."
"We should probably get to the bar. Sans is waiting."
"Oh how wonderful.." Gaster stated sarcastically. "I know right?" You teased, taking his hand in yours to lead him.

3 chapters left

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