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"I want you out by the end of the week." Your landlord paid a surprise visit.. he wasn't impressed with the damage caused by Gaster. "But Mr. Holster! My [C/G]! They-"
"Do you know how much this will cost to repair? Do you know how much danger that child was in? You won't even give me a reason how this happened!" You looked down. "..." You weren't ratting Gaster out. "Thought so." He started for the door. "End of the week, Ms. [L/N]." He left. "Everything is going so wrong.." Tears pricked your eye and you wiped them away quickly. Now wasn't the time to be missing Gaster. [C/N] crept out of their room. "Mommy.. is it my fault you're sad..?" You shook your head immediately. "No, no, no.. it's not your fault at all, buddy. Mommy's just having a rough day. Can you do me a favor and start packing? You'll be going to grandma's for a bit." They frowned, but went to do as you asked. They probably knew exactly what was going on. They are a smart kid. You dialed your mom. "Hi, yeah, hi.. it's.. it's a rough day mom... well, uh, I got evicted.. things got out of hand that the landlord didn't like.. yeah.. they need a place to stay at least... thanks mom, I owe ya one... love you, see you soon.. bye.."


You and [C/N] busied in packing your belongings. Your back ached, but you weren't going to leave your child to the work so you took some Tylenol and got back to it. Your mom came to help not to long after you started. "What.. happened here..?" You shook your head. "A fight that got out of hand." You replied simply. Another knock on the door. "Now who's here?" To your surprise it was Sans and Papyrus. "Where's your father?" Sans shrugged. "locked himself in his room. we came to help clean up the mess.."
"BUT IT SEEMS YOU'RE MAKING MORE OF ONE!" Papyrus didn't look impressed. You laughed humorlessly. "Actually.. I was evicted. I'm packing." Sans reached out. "oh kid.. i'm so sorry.." You stepped aside so they could come in. "For what? This isn't your fault. It was mine and mine alone."
"STILL, HUMAN [Y/N]. WE WILL HELP YOU PACK YOU'RE BELONGINGS." Your mother looked nervously at the two monsters while [C/N] ran over to- "Sans!" And hugged him. "heya kiddo, how you doing?"
"I'm ok, but mom.. she's very sad." Sans glanced over. You busied yourself with introductions. "Mom this is Sans and Papyrus, good friends of mine. Sans, Papyrus this is my mom."
"Mari" She introduced herself quietly. "I'm [C/N]! You're really tall like Gaster. You nearly cringed. "WELL THANK YOU, HE IS MY FATHER!"


"Who's Gaster?" Your mom asked as you started packing again. "He's.. a guy that I like, but.. he doesn't like me back." You said simply. "That's how you know them? The monsters?"
"I work at a monster owned bar, mom. Sans introduced us actually. We got close, but I kept a secret he didn't like and like that it was over.." You drew a shuttering breath. "I miss him though.." Your mom hugged you close. "I know baby, I know.. it'll be ok, somehow. You'll be ok.." You cried into your mom and [C/N] came running over to join the hug. "I don't wanna let him go.. I loved his nerdiness, I loved his dorkiness, I loved his adorableness, I love him.." The skeleton brothers looked at one another. This wasn't fair. Why couldn't life be more fair? Eventually your mom simply shooed everyone home for the night, asking them to come back tomorrow. You weren't in any condition to be packing up.



I paced the room restlessly. The fight with [Y/N] playing over and over in my head. I keep telling myself that she deserved every bit of what she got. So why does it hurt? How do I make it stop? She was just a human! A lying, deceiving little human! I heard shuffling from the other side of my door. "What do you want." I asked shortly. "i know you probably don't care but.. [Y/N] was kicked out. me and pap are helping her move.." With that he shuffled away. Kick out? She was evicted? Good riddance. Great.. for her... this.. is.. my fault.

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