Gaster Meets [C/N]

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Gaster was meeting [C/N] today. You were nervous, but [C/N] was really your last hope of changing Gaster's mind. Surely he wouldn't harm a child, right? Would he be able to tell if [C/N] didn't have magic? Stars, so many things could go wrong! Maybe he shouldn't come, maybe you should say they are sick. Maybe- "[Y/N]." He was here. "Gaster. I'm sorry I didn't see you and Sans pull up." Thank stars Sans was here. "heh heh. she's an astronaut."
"Sans that joke is so overused. No." Gaster sighed. "Um.. would you like to come in? [C/N] is cleaning their room at the moment." Gaster smiled. "We'd love too."


Getting Gaster around was a bit challenging, but luckily you'd cleaned it for this day. "this is nice. can definitely tell you love your kid." You beamed. "Thank you Sans, I really, truly do." You walked off to fetch [C/N]. "Hey kiddo. The skeletons are here." Their eyes widened. "Really?!" They put their remaining toys in their toy box and ran off with you right behind them. "Are you the skeleton that likes my mommy?!" Gaster was immediately taken aback, as were you. So straight forward. "Uh.. yes." He replied. The child beamed. "Great! Kick my daddy in the no sunshine place for hurting mommy and making her cry, ok?"
"[C/N]!" We all gawked, but not in a bad way. It was pretty funny, actually. "i like this kid, hey, we can do that for you, buddy."
"No magic.." Gaster muttered. You knew it! Things were going badly alre- "his magic still hasn't come in yet, that's all." Sans replied simply. You gave him a grateful look and he winked.


The four of you started a game of monopoly, cause why not. Gaster was the top hat, Sans was a shoe, [C/N] was a car, and you were a dog. Between the three of you, Gaster was helped in the game. You all were having fun, cracking jokes, and telling stories. "Once mommy saved up all her money so I could go on this field trip to the Science Museum. She worked so hard she was asleep before daddy or me. Daddy wasn't very happy about it, but as long as I was there, he wouldn't touch her."
"[C/N].." You two had always taken care of each other, but still. "ya really must love your mom, huh?"
"Oh YEAH! Mommy's the best!"
"All I do is try.. it's the best I can do."
"Don't be so modest, [Y/N]. You're a great mother. Your child adores you." Gaster stated fondly. "I.." You faltered. "They're all I had.. and I'm all they have.." They nodded, leaning into you. "Maybe that can change?" Gaster offered. "Maybe."


You had gotten up to get drinks for everyone. Sans had went with to help carry them out, leaving [C/N] and Gaster alone. "How is your schooling? Are you big into the sciences?" Gaster asked, hoping to make conversation with them. "I'm doing great, and I love science! Mommy snuck into an exploded lab once. She was gonna get me a souvenir, but she got caught by the hazmat people. I think it was cool she got in at all! And she has this really cool purple dog mark thing on her hand!" Gaster tilted his head. "Has she now?" They nodded. "Er, yeah." He replied, remembering that the skeleton was blind. "Downtown?"
"Mmhm? How'd you know?" Gaster chuckled. He'd never thought you the devious type. "It was mine." [C/N]'s eyes widened. "Really!? You worked there?!" Gaster nodded. "I was the head scientist there. Sans and I could teach you all you need to know, if your interested."
"Heck yeah I'm interested! I can be the next Albert Einstein!" Gaster frowned. "Who?"
"A famous, the most famous, human scientist ever!"
"And you wish to be like him? After I built the C.O.R.E?"
"What's the C.O.R.E?"
"A young monster like you should know the C.O.R.E.."
"But..." [C/N] was confused. "I'm not a monster."


Gaster paused, then laughed. "You almost had me. Quite a joke, but please don't make jokes like that with me."
"But I'm serious. I'm a human." They replied. Gaster felt a tad erked. "Seriously, [C/N], stop."
"I'm telling the truth though!"
"That is impossible! Humans CAN'T have magic! Unless your adopted, your a monster."
"I'm not adopted! Mommy and I are humans! Your the first monsters I've ever met!" Gaster decided to see for himself. He lunged forward and [C/N] screamed. You and Sans ran in. It was true.. they were a.. you were a.. Gaster felt his world collapse around him.

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