
776 31 5

[C/N] - Child's Name
[C/A]- Child's age
[C/G]- Child's gender


You'd been escorted out and lectured after being caught. You were lucky that was all that happened. You'd been sent home afterwards. "Wish I could've hid the tooth.. [C/N] would have loved it.." [C/N] was your [C/A] year old [C/G]. You loved them dearly and had went in there to get them a souvenir since they were huge into the science stuff. You were a single parent to them, with no father to speak of, as he wasn't a good person and you have no clue what you'd ever seen in him. You had started working nightshifts at a bar called Grillby's so that you could spend time with them during the day. School would be starting soon though, you'd probably change your hours so you both got home around the same time. It was exhausting, but you were a devoted parent. [C/N] was at their grandma's, probably being soiled rotten, before the school year started.


You got home and started getting ready for work. It was a couple of hours yet, but it was always nice to be ready just in case. You picked up your freshly washed uniform and a towel, heading for the bathroom. After a refreshing shower and changing into your uniform, you finally noticed it. The purple dog skull thing. Well, it actually looked more like a dragon to you. "When did this happen..?" You didn't remember ever getting a tatoo and you couldn't wash it off. It tingled in the water, like it was reacting to it, but it wasn't painful or anything, so after awhile you decided to leave it be for the time being and do your work routine.


The chime of the bell was welcoming, and locals greeted you with enthusiasm. You'd become a favorite, seeing as Grillby usually never hired people to work at the bar. You took your [C/G] here all the time when it first opened, neither of you were afraid to show the monsters human hospitality. You'd both found the war stupid and pointless. Locking an entire race Underground? Bull. Anyway, you'd been surprised when Grillby offered you the position of a waitress here. He knew you were struggling with money, and they pay wasn't bad at all. So you accepted the offer. You greeted the monsters and humans back in kind as you made your way to the bar. Someone new was sitting beside Sans, someone you recognized as Dr. WD Gaster. One of the Royal scientist's. He was known for his hatred towards humans and you could see he was visibly tense. You wondered how Sans got him of all people in here.


You met Grillby in the back. "Hey Grillby."
"[Y/N]. How are you?" He greeted back as he cooked. "Just fine. You?"
"I'm well. How is [C/N]?"
"Also fine. At their grandma's actually." Grillby chuckled. "Getting spoiled."
"Can you get Sans his usual, and get him to pay his tab?" You laughed. "Sure, but you know that will never happen. How'd he get Dr. Crabbypants in here?"
"Hm? Gaster? Not to hard actually. His last experiment cost him his sight, so he can't go anywhere alone until he learns sensory magic."
"Oh- poor man.." Grillby quirked a brow. "You do know he hates your kind, right?"
"I'm well aware of that, but doesn't mean I have to hate him." You grabbed a ketchup from the fridge and headed back to the bar.


"Heya Sans." You greeted, setting the ketchup on the counter. "heya [Y/N]. meet my dad yet?" He gestured to Dr. Gaster. Dad?!! "No, I don't believe I have. Hello, I'm [Y/N]. Nice to meet you." He looked up at you, looking confused. "... hello." He finally replied. He wasn't hostile, his voice was rather blank actually. Like he wasn't sure how to react. "old man?"
"I apologize. She.. is confusing me." You and Sans exchanged confused looks. "I'm.. going to get back to work. Nice to meet you, doctor." You waved to Sans and went to take orders.


"why is she confusing you?" Sans asked me. "I.. don't know how to explain.. her magic.. her soul.. it's.. strange." It seemed familiar, the magic, it was changing, as if she never had magic before, and spreading from her hand and throughout her form, but all monsters had magic. Unless she wasn't a monster, but that was impossible. Wizards died out years ago. So she was a monster with new magic? It was all so confusing.  So intriguing. "magic?"
"Yes. She is a monster.. right?" Sans was silent for a minute. "she is what she is." Sans hummed, clearly in thought, closing up room for conversation. "Waitress. I'd like to order. I'd like a basket of frys." I only ordered to 'see' her magic some more, but I wasn't very good at sensory magic, and I cursed myself for not learning sooner. "Of course, Dr. Gaster." She disappeared. "Sans.. do you know her schedule? I wish to learn more about this.."
"sure, doc. could do you some good." I huffed. Now what was he going on about?

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