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We made it to the bar, eventually. Sans tensed seeing his dad with you. "uh.. what happened?" He asked looking between the two of you. "We are trying again." Gaster replied simply. "I saw him walking and I needed to apologize.." He turned to his father. "so you're done with the humans?"
"I am done with the humans." He turned to you. "and you're done ditching your car at random stoplights?" You tried not to laugh. "Yes." Gaster snorted. "You did what?"
"It was a heat of the moment decision!" You defended, blushing. "So I assume you are staying at your mother's?" Gaster decided to change the subject. "Yes, for now."
"My place is always open, if you wish it, [Y/N].. though that may be to fast.." You chuckled. "Maybe just a little." You replied honestly. Especially after a break up like that. Was it his way of still trying to make ammends?


Your mom chewed Gaster out while you and the skelebros carried in boxes. You felt bad that he had to go through it, but once she started, there was no stopping her until she said all she needed to say. "Is Gaster back for good?" [C/N] asked. "It was weird and scary when he grabbed me, but I liked him.. is that bad? I know he hurt you.."
"I like him too. Yes, he's back for good and he won't hurt mommy again."
"Is that why you left?" You nodded to them. "Yes." Your mom walked up to you. "If that man monster thing does anything to hurt you, tell me. I will kick his-"
"NOT IN FRONT OF [C/N]!" With a quiet oop she rushed inside. "I've heard cursing before mommy."
"I'm sure you have, but not in my presence, you don't." It was Gaster's turn to come up to you. "So.. your mother is a force to be reckoned with.."
"Yeah.. sorry about her.." He rubbed the back of his skull. "I suppose.. it is to be expected."


All the boxes were carried in and you guys were done for the day. Gaster tried to help with what he could. He didn't know your mom's house though and ended up tripping alot. So he was waiting on the couch. "What ever happened to you learning sensory magic?" You mused, sitting next to him on the couch. "I've been servely slacking, and what of you and your magic training? How did you get magic anyway?" You shrugged. "Beats me. It just.. happened."
"A side affect from my last experiment, I'd think."
"Oh right- I honestly forgot that I broke into your lab after the explosion." Gaster quirked a brow, amused. "So you knew it was my lab?"
"I was curious and you know how [C/N] with science stuff, magic wasn't exactly the souvenir I was expecting to come home with!" He laughed. "I bet."
"what're you to talking about?" Sans flopped onto the other side of the couch. "Adult stuff." Gaster lied. "neat, what kind of adult stuff?" Where was this going?


Gaster POV

Before I started a come back, [Y/N] tucked herself into my sternum. Humans were strange creatures. "I was kidding, we were taking about the orgin of her magic."
"oh? do you know what it was?" Sans sounded curious. "She'd broke into my lab. We suspect it might have been a side affect from the experiment." Sans pondered this. "so.. makes monsters go blind and giving humans magic. strange. what was she doing, breaking in anyway?"
"Souviner for [C/N]." He shifted in his spot. "that.. makes sense." Two sets of footsteps came in. "Awe. Mommy is snuggling grandma!"
"I can see that, [Y/N], would you like me to get a chair dear?" She didn't respond. I looked down curiously. "[Y/N]?" She's was breathing deeply, curled up comfortably in my lap. She'd was asleep.. my cheekbones heated up. "It seems she'd fallen asleep on me.." I addressed her mother calmly. "Would you like me to wake her?" There was a moment of silence before she replied. "No. It's fine, she must be comfortable there." I put an arm around [Y/N]. A camera went off. "I AM POSTING THIS ON THE UNDERNET!"
"pap, [Y/N] trying to sleep."

2 chapters left

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