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After work you picked [C/N] up. "All better?" Your mother worried, looking you over. "All better, mom. I was worried for nothing. Have they been good for you?" Your mother laughed. "[C/N] has been an absolute sweetheart, and has been worrying about you since you said that you weren't well." You flinched. You hadn't wanted them to worry. "They in the back?" She nodded. The both of you headed to the back where [C/N] was playing on a swingset. They laughed, swinging as high as they could. "Don't look worried." You mused. "That's because their distracted at the moment." You chuckled. "Hey kiddo! Guess who's back!" They snapped to attention and skidded against the dirt to slow themselves down. When they slowed down enough, they jumped off and ran for you. "MOMMY!! YOU'RE OK!!" You picked them up in your arms cuddling them. "Yes I am! It was nothing to worry about.." They snuggled into you. "I missed you, mom."


You brought your child home. "I wanna show you something cool.. I promised no secrets between us, right?"
They nodded. "Yeah." You led them to the back. "No matter what, don't tell anyone. Ok?" They nodded again. You summoned your magic, [F/C] whisped around your hands. "Woah! What is it?"

"Magic." Their eyes widened. "Like the monsters..?" You nodded. "Like the monsters."
"How?" They touched the whisps. "I don't know." You summoned the staff. "Here." They touched it. "It's.. solid.."
"It is.." You desummoned your magic. "Let's go get ice cream."
"I want nice cream!" You laughed. "Ok, ok. Let's go get nice cream then." They took your hand. "Let's go let's go let's go!"


They licked their favorite flavored nice cream. It tingled on your tongue as you tasted yours. "Mm. You're right. Nice cream was the better choice." They nodded. "You ready for school?"
"I like learning and I miss my friends.." You chuckled. Don't worry, hun. You'll see them and learn lots, I'm sure! Maybe you can even teach me some things?" Their eyes widened. "Make me smarter than you!?" They gasped. "Maybe." You licked your nice cream.

It is.. VERY short, but I just wanted you readers to get to know your child a little before we continued on with plot. Have a good day/afternoon/night.


Light in the Dark (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now