Who Would Have Thought

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Back at Grillby's you were, after a month long reprieve while the place expanded. Business was booming after all and he needed more space for more customers. That gave you a month to reconnect with Gaster and get closer than every with him. He was slowly starting to relax around humans. Not just you, [C/N], and your mom. That, was a very good thing. Honestly, who would have thought that you could actually change the stubborn monster's mind on humans? You were training in a new worker today. You both walked over upon seeing Gaster at the bar with Sans. "Hello gentlemen, welcome to Grillby's, may I take your orders?" You half teased to which Grillby chuckled. "You already know what they want." Gaster smirked. "But does she?" It was your turn to smirk. "A ketchup for Sans, and a kiss from me?" Gaster chuckled. "Oh, so you do know." You shared a quick kiss and Sans faked a gag. "ew." He teased. "Oh hush up and drink your ketchup." You pulled a ketchup from out of nowhere and tossed it to him. "yes mom." Sans teased more, making you and Gaster blush heavily. Grillby was a laughing mess. The guy you were training in groaned.


You know what else you did over the month? Worked on Gaster's sensory magic. So now he could finally move around without his walking stick, though glass was very much a problem. Apparently blind monster's could see glass just about as well as birds. Which putting that into words sounds weirder seeing as blind monster's couldn't actually see at all. I digress. Gaster was waiting for you outside the bar when you got off. "Did you do your teleport thing?" He scoffed light heartedly. "It is not teleporting, it is folding time and space to reach the location with ease. "Completely different." You shrugged. "I still don't see it, but ok." He shook his head, laughing. "Alright, alright. A shame you don't see the science in it."
"Sorry, not sorry. All I see is the magic of it."
"That is fair."


A couple years later, you and [C/N] moved into the skeleton household. You considered this your whole family now. Sans and Papyrus were your sons who weren't much older than you, or at least Sans wasn't. The skeleton brothers, especially Papyrus, considered [C/N] their youngest brother. They started calling you mom, though Sans had been doing that since you and Gaster got back together. So on and so forth. "so do me and pap need to be worrying about any other little siblings?"
"Sans. No." Gaster replied immediately while you tried to hide. (I've been bringing children up alot, I'm sorry) Sans shrugged. "just curious. sorry. do you even plan on proposing?"
"SANS!" Papyrus scrambled in before Gaster could go on a tangent. "I NEED YOU FOR SOMETHING IMPORTANT!" He picked the older brother up and ran off. "Well... that happened." Gaster sighed. "That it did. Are you ready for our date tonight?" You nodded firmly. "Yeah!"


The place Gaster brought you looked fancy. Good thing you'd decided on a nice [F/C] dress. Simple, yet elegant for a place like this. Gaster was in a tux and tail coat, with a top hat on. He so pulled it off. Anyway.. he led you inside. "Reservation for Gaster."
"We've been expecting you, doctor." The waiter then lead the two of you to a spot not far from the stage, where a band played. There was already glasses filled with champagne awaiting you. "How did you get reservations to a place like this?" You gawked. You were way out of your element. "I was the Royal Scientist and I can do whatever I wish, getting reservations to a place like this was easy." He replied simply, pulling out your chair for you. You took a seat and he pushed you in, before taking a seat himself. "I hope Sans hadn't made you to uncomfortable earlier." You shook your head. "Just threw me off is all. I haven't really been thinking THAT far ahead yet. Hoping to stabilize my life first." He chuckled. "I'd say your life is very stable now, [Y/N]. You have a good job, a house, children, me.."


You were enjoying the music and had just finished your main course. "How was your food?" Gaster asked. "It was great! I've never tried that before!" He basked in your happiness and hoped he could make you even happier. "I hope you've saved room for desert. Waiter!" Someone came up immediately. "Two [Desert of Choice] please." He handed something to the waiter discreetly. You didn't notice. You were immersed in the music. "I really like this melody. Do you know what it's called?"
"Quiet Water. It was a song that used to play in Waterfall in the Underground. I've asked the band to play this at some point tonight." You blinked. A piece from the Underground? "It's beautiful.." The deserts came and you went to dig in, only to notice something shine on the top. You picked it up hesitantly. "A ring? This is a choking hazard-" Gaster was trying not to laugh. "What? I'm serious! If I hadn't noticed it I could have died!" Why was he laughing? This wasn't funny. "Perhaps not as romantic as I'd hoped, I'll take my ring back now." His ring? Then realization slapped you in the face. He was proposing you idiot!


"No." He frowned. "What?" You cleaned off the ring. "It's mine now." He shook his head. "Let me do it right!"
"No." You smiled gently. "Of course I'll marry you, so I'm keeping my ring." You sassed. He paused. "You will?"
"To have and to hold." You careful reached your hand over the table to hold his hand. "As long as we both shall live." He laughed breathlessly. "Stars, I feel like that was a mess of a proposal."
"Hm.. nah. Just shut up and kiss me." The other guests clapped and cheered as he did so.

1 chapter left

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