A Date

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"you should ask her." Sans wiggled his bonebrows at Gaster as you came out. "Ask me what?" You asked giving a patron a basket of fries. "oh, if ya wanna-"
"Nothing!" Gaster hissed. "I have nothing to ask!" Sans grinned, shrugging lazily. "Ok.. if I wanna what?"
"Nothing, nothing, [Y/N].." He covered Sans teeth, or tried to anyway, to keep the skeleton quiet. "Mm where are your- annoying dog I hate being blind!" He huffed in frustration as Sans pushed his arm away. "alright, alright i won't say nothing. but you're gonna lose the chance if you don't say something soon." Chance? What was he talking about? "I will ask, when the time is right, the time is NOT right." Ask what? You went into the back to grab more orders. "Chance? Ask something? If I wanna.." You brought some orders out to a family and bit them a good day.


Then it hit you. "Wait does Gaster wanna ask me on a date?!"
"You haven't noticed?" Grillby poked his head out from the kitchen. "Call me oblivious, but noticed what?" Grillby laughed. "Of course, it's always the crush who's the last to know." Crush? Wait CRUSH?! Your cheeks heated up. "A-are you sure..?"
"Have you seen the way he looks at you? As a man who usually hates humans, he truly seems to adore you. He's opened up to you as well, which is astonishing. He's falling hard. The question is, what do you think of him?" What did you.. "Well.. he's smart, great company, funny, adorable when he gets into his science, cute-" You realized Grillby was giving you that look. That 'now you're starting to get it' look. "I was gushing, wasn't I?"
"Yes. It was funny. My advice to you, say yes." He ducked back into the kitchen. "That's all?!" You yelled after him.


"ask her, i dare you."
"double dog dare."
"triple dog dare."
"Sans that is utterly stupid and immature, the answer is still no." They'd been at that the entire time you were serving others. Was Gaster actually scared to ask? He hardly seemed scared of anything but the darkness he'd spoke of and his failures. Those were understandable. This didn't seem so understandable, you were obviously going to say yes, even before Grillby told you to. But he didn't know that. Well, if he wasn't going to ask, you were. You marched over before you could lose this rather sudden confidence. "Dr. Gaster."
"Hm?" He turned to look at you. "Wanna go.. er.. see a movie tonight? My mom can watch [C/N] for a bit, so I'm free.." Gaster went bright purple. Sans looked startled as well. "hey g." Gaster made a noise. "ya missed your chance."
"Sans!" He roared. Well, at least he recovered. "I would love to, [Y/N]. What time should I be ready?"
"6 good?" He nodded.


You squealed like a school girl when you got in the back. "You said yes?" Grillby asked from the kitchen. "Better. I asked him and he said yes."
"Unexpected, but still great." He complemented. "What are you still doing here? Shoo. Go. Get ready." Oh- "Th-thanks Grillby! See you tomorrow!" You dashed out.


You called your mom, showered, changed into something nice, applied a tad bit of makeup, did your hair in a decent style, and started dinner before you left to pick up Gaster. Your mom had been a bit concerned, she hadn't seen you that excited in.. forever. You stopped at Gaster's and knocked. A tall lanky skeleton answered. "HELLO, HU-" Sans was there, covering the skeleton's mouth. "hey [Y/N]. he's almost ready. papyrus, this is [Y/N], [Y/N] this is my bro, papyrus."
"Hi Papyrus." Papyrus waved, since Sans was still covering his mouth. "I'm here." Gaster stepped into view, wearing a beige turtle neck, black pants, fancy looking shoes, a black coat, and a top hat. Oddly enough, it fit him well. Youbfelt underdressed now. "Uh.. you do know we are just going to see a movie.. right?"
"I am aware. I still wish to look my best. It IS a date with you, after all." You blushed. "G-gaster.."


You'd went to see Free Guy. It was the first time Gaster ever seen you gush about something, or someone. You were just so proud of JackSepticEye for being in a film. His YouTube content had helped you out of a dark spot in life and had been a fan since. It made Gaster jealous. "JackSepticEye.. what a ridiculous name.."
"It's not his real name you know, just his YouTube alias." You pointed out. "Still moronic." You gasped dramatically. "1. He has his reasons. 2. Gaster, are you jealous?"
"Me? Jealous? Never. No, no."
"Oh my stars, you're jealous."
"Am not."
"Are too.
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Perhaps a little.."
"Don't worry, he's already got a girlfriend and I already have a boyfriend who I wouldn't trade for the world." He tensed. "You do?"
"Yeah. You." He blushed. "O-oh.. I- I wasn't aware that we were.."
"I mean.. I think so? Do you wanna?"
"I think.. I would."

Light in the Dark (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now