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She's in my head. Her voice won't leave. I miss her so much. No matter how much I tell myself none of it was real, all of it was a lie, I knew that wasn't true. That human truly loved me. And I love her. Every interaction, was genuine. Thinking back on it, of course she wouldn't tell me she was a human, I'd threatened to kill her if she was. So much for those empty words. I recalled the first time we interacted, just me and her. Gaster was waiting for you in his dark coat. "Taking my offer?"
"Sans insisted. I've been so busy, I have had no time for 'fun' He said. It would be a 'great' experience." Gaster grumbled, annoyed. "You really don't have to if you don't want to, Gas- doctor." He sighed. "Gaster is fine, and I might as well. Annoying dog knows I've been a terrible father. Might as well grant him this one thing. Just don't let me anywhere near a damned human!"
"You don't like humans?"
"They are the scum of the earth and must pay for their sins." "Uh.. if I may ask.. what'd they ever do to you?"
"What haven't they done? They slaughtered my species, started the war, sealed monsters underground, then had the gall to forget we were there!"
"I'm sorry, Gaster. How about we drop the subject and take that tour?"



You picked up a box and walked it to the car, memories of better time playing in your head. It made you sad, nestolgic, and happy all at once. The conversation went from the C.O.R.E's purpose to Gaster gibberish as he explained how it worked. All you really got out of the rant he was on was that the C.O.R.E took magma and changed it to magical energy to give power, create magical plants and foods, and even small weather patterns like snow and rain. "You look lost." He commented. "Uh.. I think I got it, but if you could try and use smaller words or something?" He laughed. "I can try."
"Gaster?" He hummed. "You said the C.O.R.E was ONE of your greatest creations. What is your greatest?" Gaster hummed again. His phalanges started to thrumb rhythmically on the countertop. "My greatest.." He sounded.. melancholy? Sorrowful? You weren't sure. "My first sentient beings. 1-S and 2-P."
"One- what?" You were confused. "Sans and Papyrus. They were not born, they were created. In my lab. By my hand."
"They.. they were?" You'd had no idea. "They were.. I regret.. a lot of things I've done, and all they things I've thought to do. I've.. hurt them, tortured Sans, abandoned Papyrus.. I've been a terrible father. I always will be."
"Yet.. they are still there for you. You must've done something right then. Maybe you're so busy thinking about all the bad, you've forgotten all the good that happened as well?" Gaster looked at you as if you were a genius. [Y/N].. you may not have a degree, but you may just be the smartest girl in the world."



I continued to think of the good times, the times I was happiest. "Me? Jealous? Never. No, no."
"Oh my stars, you're jealous."
"Am not."
"Are too.
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Perhaps a little.."
"Don't worry, he's already got a girlfriend and I already have a boyfriend who I wouldn't trade for the world." He tensed. "You do?"
"Yeah. You." He blushed. "O-oh.. I- I wasn't aware that we were.."
"I mean.. I think so? Do you wanna?"
"I think.. I would."



Tears dripped down. Was this really over..? Gaster relaxed on the recliner. "Come. Join me." You walked over there's no room-" He grabbed your sleeve and pulled you into his lap. "For a gentleman, that wasn't very gentlemanly.." You were a blushing mess. Sans was trying not to laugh while Papyrus smiled brightly.



I sighed and clenched my fists. I couldn't end things this way. What we had was real and we'd both made mistakes. I'd apologize. Things could be great again, I could.. give her the same second chance that I was given. Redeem her species. "I'm coming, [Y/N]." I finally left my room.

Light in the Dark (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now