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            Hello! Ok so this is my first fanfic so this may not be the best, but I'm excited to  write. I'll take request sometimes, but I mainly will do my own ideas.

            So I keep would like to keep this book 13+ so nothing to bad, but like it want me to write a request  then just send me the plot and I will do my best.

           Also writing this, I mean absolutely no hate on any other ships. I understand that everyone has their own ships and I respect that. While I my like Dreamnoblade. I totally understand if you like Techza or DreamnotFound! If you wanna talk about those then i'm totally open! :D

         Also I know that Technoblade said shipping is "cringe" so I'm still going to post this, but when he upgrades his status to "uncomfortable" that's when this is going down. If you like any of the oneshots, then if this gets taken down, then you can message me for a specific oneshot and i'll send it to you!

     Also, I'm not shipping real people, that's WeIrD. So No, None of that.

    Now, on to the story! :) 

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