It's just that I fell in love with a war

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 A/N: well here it is, man this was like 6 and a half pages on google docs. Also coming up my posting schedule is going to be wack since my grandparents are coming into town, so yeah, but i'll try to post as often as I can before and after! Also #Technosupport! :D 


      Technoblade was tired. He was tired of wars. He was tired of fighting. But most of all he was just tired. He wanted a change, wanted something new. So that's how he found himself in this small town out by the sea.

The town was small and quaint, and smelled of the sea. There were many interesting little shops. Everyone in the village seemed to know everyone else, so Techno was a little worried about whether they would accept him or not. But he decided to take that shot anyway.

Techno was lucky enough to manage to grab a house by the shore. The house was close to the village, being only a 5 minute walk. The shop he was closest to was this little bakery on the edge of town.

The bakery was a peculiar thing. With green paint on the outside and smiley faces littering the outside, the bakery was named "Dreams and Bread." (really bad name I know) Techno was a little bit excited to visit the bakery, secretly being a fan of pastries.

Technoblade walked in and immediately fell in love with the smell. It smelled of donuts (a secret favorite of techno) and freshly baked bread. There were so many different types of breads and pastries. Techno began to walk around the bakery.

"Can I help you find something?" Techno nearly jumped out of his skin. He whirled around to find the most gorgeous man he had ever seen in his life. Techno was normally wary of new people because of his battle experience, but this man seemed like someone he would be able to let his guard down around.

Now Techno was pretty comfortable with his sexualtly, so he could admit when he saw a guy with a nice body and beautiful eyes and a nice ass and, ok, he might be just a little bit gay.

"-r? Sir? A- are you ok?" The man looked worried, and Techno must have been as red as a tomato.

"Y- yeah, I- i'm fine. Just zoned out a little there y'know" Techno was silently cursing himself. Yes this man was hawt (sorry, not sorry), but did that give reason for Technoblade to gape at him? No.

"Well, do you need anything?" The man looked relaxed. Techno felt that need to know this man's name. Looking around he did not see a name tag, so that meant he was going to have to ask. Great.

"Uhm, well yes, there is something I'd like to ask you! I was wondering if I could get your name." Techno looked at the man's face for any sign of discomfort or disgust. But instead it morphed into a smile.

"I was actually going to ask you that! I don't recognize you. Are you new or a tourist?" The man looked curious. "Oh also my name is Dream! Dreamwastaken"

"Oh nice to meet you mr. Wastaken. I'm Techno. Technoblade. I just moved here a few days ago." Techno was happy to know at least one person in the town.

"Please, just call me Dream. Nice to meet you as well" Dream had a smile that could rival the sun.

"Well, again Dream it was nice to meet you. Now I really should be going as it's getting late and I would like to visit the rest of the town" At those words, Dream's smile dropped a little.

"Well, word of advice Techno, The townsfolk don't really take well to outsiders. They may not accept you immediately, but they'll come around eventually." Techno had kinda assumed that so that wasn't that much of a surprise, but he was sure he would make friends with the town people soon enough.

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