Warm hands and worthless dreams

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A/N: Thank you for 1.7k views!!!!! :O I'm so happy! And 74 votes!? Wild! Thank you so much to those who supported this book. I'm really grateful! :)

Technoblade was tired. With his roughened hands, he had killed hundreds, and yet was this what he wanted? He loved to fight, loved to be the last one standing, and yet what was the point? That was all he had been doing, all his life. That's who he was, The Blade. Nothing more, nothing less.

He didn't want to just be The Blade, he wanted to be Technoblade, he wanted to just be Techno. And yet, to people like Tommy, that's all he would ever be. Just a soldier, just a weapon to be used. That's why he'd done it. That's why he had teamed up with Dream. If he was going to be viewed as nothing more than a weapon, then he would go to whoever could wield him best.

And yet, it seemed as though Dream didn't view him as just The Blade. It felt as though Dream viewed him as Techno. He didn't just care that Techno could fight, he didn't just tell Techno what to do and then walk away, as though Techno was a lowly soldier. Dream seemed to care about what Techno had to say. He listened to Techno's plans instead of just shooting them down the moment he brought them up. He listened to Techno rant about Greek mythology because Techno had never gotten to tell anyone else. He made Techno feel wanted.

They planned battles together, winning every single one they fought. Together they were unstoppable. And with every battle won, they became closer and closer. When they finally won a battle they had been fighting for weeks, Dream cupped Techno's face and kissed him. And Techno kissed him back.

After that fight, they became the duo, Dream and Techno. Not Dream and The Blade. Just Techno. His dream had finally been fulfilled, he was finally allowed to be Techno. But with Dream, he had a new dream. He just wanted to stay with Dream, to settle down someday with him. That was his new dream. And Dream said he wanted the same, he said that he would love to settle down with Techno in the future.

And Techno believed him. He believed him and continued to love him. One of the things he loved most about Dream was his hands. His hands, which were so roughend, were so warm. He loved holding them on his own. Loved when Dream ran his hands through his hair.

So they continued to fight together, and they continued to love each other. Or so Techno thought. So when a battle that they had been planning for weeks finally happened, when Dream told him to stay close, he thought nothing of it. This was how they normally fought, side by side. Thought no mind when Dream was rougher than usual. They continued to do everything as they normally would. He truly never saw it coming.

He never saw it coming when Dream turned and walked toward him when the battle was over. He never saw it coming when Dream was in front of him, his sword still unsheathed. He thought they were just going to walk back to the base, as they always did. He never saw it coming when Dream sank the sword into his stomach.

'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer' Dream had told him as he took the sword out and walked away. Techno fell to his knees. He was bleeding heavily and had nothing to stop the flow. He put his hands to the cut, blood gushing all over them. The last thing he saw was Dream's outline as he walked away.

Dream never truly loved him, it was all just an act, Techno finally realized all of this. Tears began to stream down his face. Everything he had hoped for, everything he had wanted, had been fake. All Techno was left with in his final moments was warm hands and worthless dreams.

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