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A/N: oOP, ok it's been a hot minute since I posted. School was kicking my ass, ok. It was a little hard to make anything, but with that Jack manifold grind, I got this chapter done!! Also 1.5K views? Wild! Thank you all, so much! All of you guy's comments make my day! :D

 It was raining when Techno walked out of the building, and it wasn't just a little sprinkle either. It was pouring. Techno looked up at the sky and grimaced, it didn't look like it was going to let up any time soon. Of course he didn't bring an umbrella today, it was perfect when he left the apartment. And Dream had the car today.

He considered his options. He could call Dream for a ride. No, he was busy with classes, his running a little bit longer than Techno's. He didn't want to be a bother. Dream's teacher being much more strict then Techno's. His only other option was to walk. It was a half hour's walk to the apartment when he took his time. He looked to the sky again, honestly in the five minutes he had been thinking, it had started to rain harder.

'Screw it' he thought as he walked into the rain. He wasn't going to wait there forever and plus once he got home, he could always just wrap up in some warm blankets. Hopefully Dream won't be too annoyed. He always hated Techno's lack of self-preservation.

Techno fought against the rain, it was worse than he thought it would be, freezing him to the core. He had been walking for ten minutes, and he was already freezing. This was going to be fun. It was not helping when oncoming cars splashed him. He was this close to murdering someone.

The final blow came when he stepped in the wrong puddle, and his foot slid. Thankfully no one was around to witness him fall, but he landed on his ankle wrong. He moved it around a little, it was only a little painful, so he imagined it would be fine, but that thought was quickly put to rest as when he tried to stand up he fell painfully on his knee. His ankle gave out from under him. He looked around. He was five minutes away from his apartment, he could make it.

Techno forced himself up, and gritted his teeth as he made the final walk. Every step on that foot felt like hell, but he could make it back. Finally after what felt like forever because of his ankle, he saw his apartment building. But he had just one hurdle left, he lived on the goddamned tenth floor, and this place's elevator had been broken since last week.

He walked into the building and into the stairwell. It was nice to be out of the rain, but that didn't mean this was any better, the stairs were hell because of his ankle and he was still freezing and shivering.

Techno hissed out in pain when his foot landed in the wrong position. He had two more flights of stairs. He wondered if Dream was home. Techno thought about what Dream would be doing if he was home, to get his mind off the pain. Techno swore he could die of relief when he saw his floor. He opened the door of the stairwell and slowly walked to his apartment. While walking, he checked his watch, which he was surprised to see still worked as he had practically fallen on it when he fell, to see that it had been about an hour since he left his college building. It would take him half an hour to get home, and that was if he was taking his time.

He finally made it to his door and unlocked his door. He walked inside and shut the door behind him. He didn't know if Dream was home so he called out.

No response. His classes must be running long, it wasn't unusual for that to happen. Dream took art classes, which were wildly different from Techno's English classes, mostly because of the teacher, though. Techno's teacher always made sure to get students out on time, while Dream's loved to hold students. She once held the class an hour after it ended, Techno knew for fact, he had come to pick Dream up and sat outside for an hour until he finally came out of the building with the rest of the students.

Techno walked around the empty apartment, he just wanted to lay down on the couch and take a nap and forget all about his ankle, but he needed to take a ahower and change. He quickly got into the shower, making sure not to put too much pressure on his ankle and cleaned himself. He got out and put on some new clothes. Finally he could lay on the couch and forget about today.

He lay on the couch and wrapped himself up in a blanket. He was still shivering so he tightened the blanket around him. He felt so cold, even though he had just taken a hot shower. He snuggled more into the couch, not only was he freezing, he had a pounding headache. He was glad that he had turned off the lights before he got into the shower as he couldn't muster the energy to even get up.

He heard the door open and hoped that Dream was home.

"Techno?" Dream called as he walked into the living room. Techno poked his head up to see Dream. Dream walked toward him and sat down next to him. He put his hand on Techno's forehead and made a noise of surprise.

"You're burning up, did you feel like this this morning?" Dream took his hand off of Techno's forehead and Techno whimpered at the loss of warmth.

"No I didn't, it must have happened when I, maybe, walked through the rain for forty minutes." Techno shoved his face into the pillows, Dream sighed. He carefully picked Techno up and brought him to the bedroom. He put him down on the bed they shared as carefully as possible. He tucked Techno under the covers and went into the bathroom. He came back a moment later with a thermometer.

"Open up love." Techno did what Dream asked and opened his mouth. Dream carefully stuck the thermometer under Techno's tongue. He told him to wait there a moment, and walked out of the room. Techno lay there, wondering what to do. Should he also tell Dream about his ankle, ehh it's fine. It would heal on its own. The thermometer beeped in his mouth, and Dream came back with a rag.

"Hmm, 102.5, that's not the best, but it's not the worst. Here I'm gonna put this on you for now to try and get the fever. I'm gonna make some soup for dinner." Dream put the rag on Techno's head and Techno shivered at the contact. Dream walked out of the room to go make dinner. Techno curled up under the covers and decided to sleep while he still could.

Dream came and woke him up an hour later, he was going to help him walk to the table. He carefully woke Techno and helped him up. Of course Techno took a step and fell, all because of his ankle. He let out a hiss of pain when he fell on his knee. Dream let out a sound of surprise.

"Why did you fall?" He asked as he helped Techno up. Techno looked to the side, Dream wasn't going to be happy.

"So while walking back, I may have slipped in a puddle, and I may have fallen on my ankle, and then I may have walked the final way to the apartment and then up ten flights of stairs." Dream gave Techno a disappointed look and Techno feigned fake hurt.

"What was I supposed to do? Sit out in the rain?" Dream helped Techno walk to the table and sat him down. Dream sighed again.

"You could have called me." Dream said he walked into the kitchen. Techno put his head on the table.

"No, you had classes." Techno argued back when Dream walked back in with bowls of soup. Dream stared at him while putting the soup down. Techno took a sip of his. It tasted so good.

"I would've come, even if I was on the other side of the world, Techno. You know that." Dream began to eat. Techno knew that, knew that he would come. But he didn't want to be a bother. Plus it wasn't even that bad.

"But it wasn't even that bad." Techno said between sips. Dream stared at him like he was an idiot. Maybe he was.

"Techno, you have a messed up ankle and a fever, I wouldn't call the nothing." Techno was annoyed with Dream. He was trying not to be a bother

"Well maybe I didn't want to be a bother!" Techno shot back. Dream seemed to freeze where he was. He looked at Techno again, this time his gaze much softer. He got up and walked to where Techno was sitting down. He cupped Techno's face.

"Techno look at me," Techno hesitated but looked at Dream. "You'll never be bother, if that's what you're thinking. You mean everything to me. That's why I hate to see this happen to you." Dream kissed the top of Techno's head. Techno blushed, but didn't stop him. He liked it when Dream was soft with him.

"Come on, let's finish dinner." Techno said finally. Dream and him ate in silence. They put there plates up and Dream helped Techno the bedroom. When they finally made it, the both layed down together. Dream cuddling Techno. They both fell into a restful sleep. 

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