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A/N: So this was like really weird to write since I'm talking about dreams, and then having Dream talk about Dreams, so like this was weird. Also I put this into google translate to see if I messed anything up, and listening to that was one of the funniest things I've ever heard, like legit it was so weird.

"I never loved you." Dream said with malice in his eyes. Technoblade could feel his heart stop. Dream had always promised that he had loved him, that he would always love him. What did he do wrong?

"I can't even begin to understand how you thought I could love you, how anyone could love you," Dream raised his hands and pointed a finger at Techno "How could anyone love a mess up like you, a nobody like you."

Techno looked at Dream with heartbreak evident in his eyes, the man he loved was now yelling all of his insecurities in his face, yelling about everything Techno struggled with.

"I- Dream, y- you don't mean that right? I- I can fix any mistake I made, just please d- don't leave me." Techno put his hands to his hair, grabbing and pulling to help ease the pain, but nothing worked. He couldn't help but stumble over his words as his breath became short and eyes welled up with tears.

"Why are you crying? You definitely don't deserve to be" Dream rolled his eyes as the first tears fell down Techno's face. Techno desperately tried to wipe them away, but no matter how hard he wiped them away, they always came back with more and more.

"Why would a burden like you get to cry, huh? All you ever do is cause problems for everyone else. I want you out of my life, LEAVE!" Dream yelled in Techno's face and turned around to leave.

"W- wait no, please don't go! P- please don't go, stay with me, please." Techno grabbed Dreams hand as he sobbed out that last part.

Dream harshly shoved Techno to ground, and Techno promptly woke up, tears streaming down his face.

Techno looked to his side, where Dream was still sleeping. He wanted so badly to reach out to Dream, to have him comfort him, tell him that he loved him. But he didn't want to be a burden. So he shoved his face down into the pillow and continued to cry alone.

He just couldn't get that dream out of his head, did Dream really love him? Was he really a burden? Did he really just cause problems for everyone?

Techno must have been crying too loud since he heard Dream stir and wake up. Looks like that dream was right, all he did was cause problems for everyone.

"Techno? Baby? Are you alright? I woke up to crying" Dream lifted to his head to see techno shoving his face into a pillow. He probably wasn't alright.

"I- It's nothing" Techno said back, trying his hardest to make sure his voice didn't crack, but failing spectacularly.

"Techno," Dream said sternly. "It's obvious that something is bothering you, please Techno, I can't help you if I don't know your problem." Dream gently cradled the sides of Techno's face and brought him up to look at him.

Just like he thought, Techno was crying, big globs of tears streaming down his face.

"Ohh, Technoblade come here" Dream hugged Techno, while Techno continued to cry.

"I- It was just a stupid dream, a- and I know now it wasn't real, but I don't know it seemed so r- real" Techno said while being held by Dream.

"Can you tell me what the dream was about?" Dream said encouragingly.

"Y- you told me that you didn't love me anymore, t- that you wondered how a- anyone could love me, that I- I was a-a mess up, a-a nobody. A- and I couldn't take it anymore, s- so i started crying, and you yelled at me s- saying about how I- I didn't deserve to be crying that I was a burden." Techno was sobbing into Dream's shoulder, still upset about the dream.

Dream on the other hand, was Pissed, but not at Techno. No, he was pissed that Techno had believed any of that crap. He gently grabbed Techno's head and had him look at Dream.

"Techno, look at me. Good. I want you to know that I'm never leaving, that I will always love you. That dream was complete and utter bullcrap. None of that will ever be true, and you will never be a burden. You are the one that keeps me going when things get tough. I love you Technoblade, from now until forever." Dream placed kisses all around Techno's face.

"R- really?" Techno looked into Dreams' eyes which were full of love and compassion.


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