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A/N: Oh my goodness, I didn't mean to be off that long. Just life got in the way and school has been kicking my ass, and I gotta finish up my presentation for mandarin class, and just, sorry :( I'll try to post more regularly but I can't make any promises. 

Dream and Techno were just messing around at their apartment, asking each other stupid questions, until Dream asked a personal question.

"What's your biggest fear?" Techno almost flinched. He just had to ask that question. "And no lying!" Dream declared after a moment. Techno wondered what he should do. Dream wouldn't be very happy about his fear, but with this, they could finally address it. 'It might be nice,' Techno thought, 'to get it off my mind.' Techno took a breath in, and responded


"Me!?" Dream looked offended. He put his hand on his chest, and had a dumb look on his face. Techno would have laughed if it weren't for what he was about to say.

"I'm scared that one day you'll look in the mirror and see yourself as I see you. You'll realize just how amazing you are and that you deserve better than me." Techno let out a chuckle, but there was nothing funny to laugh at. "I'm terrified of you leaving."

Techno hadn't realized that his eyes had drifted to the ground. He knew that he should look up, that he should look up and face Dream, but he couldn't. He just couldn't look up, he was too scared of what he would see.

What would he see? Disgust? Anger? Or Understanding, that he had already known this, and was waiting for the perfect moment, when one of them finally addressed it. That Dream was better than Techno, and he deserved much better.

Derseved much better than Techno. Who compared to Dream, wasn't anything special. He didn't look anywhere near as pretty as Dream did, he couldn't cook as well. He couldn't sing as well as Dream. All he could do was write stories, but compared to Dream that wasn't anything. Compared to Dream, Techno felt like nothing.

And it wasn't like he didn't love Dream, it was the opposite in fact. He loved Dream, loved everything about him. That's why he knew he deserved better, knew that one day was finally going to realize that, and leave him. And all he could do was hope that day wasn't today and get himself ready for when it did happen.

"Techno, can you look at me please?" Dream asked so tenderly that Techno couldn't help but comply. He looked up at Dream. He was blurry. Techno looked around for a moment before realizing that everything was blurry. He was crying. When did that happen?

"Hey, hey, hey. It's ok. Just follow my breathing, everything'll be just fine ok love? Everything is ok." Techno did his best to follow Dream's breathing, he wasn't even aware that his breathing had picked up. Finally after a moment, he started to calm down a little, and it finally felt like he could breathe again. He took in great big heaving gulps. Dream carefully led him over to the couch where they sat down.

"Techno, where did that come from?" Dream asked when Techno had finally calmed down enough to speak properly. Techno just shrugged a little.

"I don't know, I mean I've known it was going to happen for a while, It was just the when not the if." Dream looked sadly at Techno, holding his hand.

"But why did you think this? Where did you get the idea?" Dream said so softly that Techno had to strain to hear him. Techno didn't even have to think before answering.

"Because you're you. You're perfect and amazing at everything, and then I'm just me. I'm not anything special, at all." Techno sniffed and Dream held him close, as if when he let go, Techno would disappear.

"Not to me, to me you're the one who's perfect, you're the one who's amazing. I can't tell you how amazing you are at writing, you're wonderful. Techno I love you, so much. I could never think of leaving you." Dream said finally, looking at Techno with the kindest eyes. Techno wanted nothing more than to just melt into Dream and take a nap.

"Can we take a nap on the couch?" Techno asked after a little, melting into Dream little.

"Of course love." And they both fell into a peaceful sleep. They have to have some talks about this later, to make sure Techno stopped feeling this way, but for right now, everything was ok.

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