Flowers and Fights and everything nice

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A/N: Man it's been a while since I put one of these, I had to do so much research on flowers but I mean at least I had a good time. It's also been a while since I put a meme. This might be a little long, but like yesterday I had a soccer game, and my knee was still messed up so I couldn't really play and kinda ended up as a sub, but also for some reason I had a goddamned panic attack in the middle of the field, so that was fun 🙃

Dream owned a flower shop on the corner of 23rd street. A simple flower shop, nothing special. He owned every type of flower you would ever need. He loved his job, seeing the people and making bouquets. He loved making the bouquets because it was like making a secret message only he knew. It was just so appealing. He loved the peace and quiet. But today was not one of those days.

He was just waiting at the counter, it was a relatively slow day, when a man burst through the door. The man with pink hair and red eyes slams twenty bucks on the table.

"How do you passive aggressively say 'Fuck you' in flower?" The guy is looking Dream right in the eye, and it's taking Dream everything he has not to laugh. Normally he gets people coming in to get bouquets to show love, or wish a happy marriage. Not whatever this was, but he wasn't against whatever was happening.

" Might I ask for your name and do you want a bouquet or do you want me to give you the flowers separately?" Dream asked. Techno thought about it.

"Technoblade and since I'm going to be dropping these off, I would like the flowers separately. Thank you" Techno leaned on the counter, while not everyone was like this, most of the people who came here were kinda jerks. They bossed Dream around and acted like they knew everything, even though, when it came to flowers, they really knew nothing.

"Ok, so might I know what happened so I can give you the right flowers?" Dream liked to know what they were planning or why they were trying to send certain messages.

"Well, so my friends Wilbur and Tommy, who I'm sending these to, thought it would be funny to scare me, so when I walked in they were supposed to hit some pots and pans together to make me jump. Well, Wilbur was not paying attention, since he hit a metal pan to the back of my head." Techno finished deadpan and Dream was slowly dying inside. It was taking everything he had and more to not burst out laughing.

"Ok, so I think first we should start off with Geraniums, the Victorians believed it meant stupidity. But how do you know he will understand the message?" Dream looked at Techno.

"Oh he used to be a florist before he went into music, he knows how to decode flowers." Techno walked over with Dream to where the Geraniums were.

"So how many are five?" Techno asked.

"Ten bucks, you already paid over there, and with an extra ten dollars as well. Lemme get those flowers for you and give you your change." Dream got the Geraniums, he carefully wrapped them up, and put a bow on them. Techno took the flowers and said thank you. He then promptly walked out. Dream watched the door for a second before realising he never gave Techno his change.

"Shit" Dream walked over to the counter and put the twenty in the cash register. He then took out a ten and put it to the side incase Techno ever came back. Which he did, the very next day.

"Ok what's next?" Techno said as he walked in. Dream snapped his head up.

"Well, first of all how did he react?" Dream was interested to know how these people reacted. Techno broke into a smirk.

"Well, Tommy didn't understand but he put them in a vase in his living room, so you know. But I gave them to Wilbur in public, and at first he was confused and then he got the message, and then he refused to speak to me for like an hour so I ditched him." Dream and Techno were laughing by the end of the story. It was fun to be doing something like this. Normally he just made sappy bouquets and while he was happy doing that, he was having way more fun doing this.

"Ok so next we should do yellow carnations, they mean disappointment" Dream and Techno rushed over to the Yellow carnations.

"Ok, so five again?" Dream picked out the nicest yellow carnations he had when Techno nodded his head. He wrapped them in bow and gave them to Techno. Techno was reaching for his wallet, when Dream stopped him.

"Techno, just use the ten dollars you left before." Dream ushered Techno out of the store before he could protest. Dream got to work on thinking about what flower they should use next, Meadowsweet? Foxglove? And then it struck him. Orange lilies, hatred. They could use those other ones later. He picked the nicest five and put them aside, just for Technoblade. He had fun with Technoblade.

Techno came in the next day and the next day, until it became a regular thing. Techno would come in, and he and Dream would brainstorm ideas on how to offend Wilbur and Tommy. They grew extremely close. Until they upgraded to friends. They would meet on weekends and go get a coffee or see a movie.

Technoblade became the normal in Dream's life. And he was happy about that. He didn't know when it happened, but just one day he realized he had ceased to Techno a just a friend. He saw him as more. He just looked at him, a simple side glance at a coffee shop, and realized 'god I am in love with this man.'

Dream continued to hang out with Techno. One day Techno walked into his shop.

"Hey Techno! What brings you here?" Dream waved as Techno walked in.

"I'm here to buy some flowers." Techno walked to the counter. Dream cocked an eyebrow.

"Ok What's the message you're trying to convey? Hate, friendship?" Dream walked over to his wall of flowers. Techno followed.

"Love. I want to show my love for someone." Dream froze for a second and then picked out a few red roses. His favorite flower. It symbolised love and passion. He was heartbroken that Techno loved another, but he wanted whoever he loved to be happy with him.

"Red roses are the way to go, they mean passion and love. How many do you want, loverboy?" Dream teased Techno to cover up signs of sadness. Techno held up five fingers to show he wanted his usual five. Dream wrapped them in the nicest paper he had and put the prettiest bow he had on them. He walked over the counter and put them down.

"That'll be ten dollars." Dream leaned on the counter. He watched as Techno took out his wallet and then took out a ten. He placed them down next to the flowers. Dream took the ten and put it in the cash register and then waited for Techno to grab the flowers and walk out. But he never did.

"Aren't you going to take your flowers?" Dream looked at Techno confused. When would Techno leave and go confess his love for another? When would Dream lose Techno?

"You're an idiot, I hope you know that. Their for you, dumbass. I let you choose, since I knew that you would pick out your favorite for love for whoever else you thought I loved." Techno rolled his eyes fondly, and there was a blush to his cheeks.

Dream needed five seconds to process what had just been said to him. Then he walked over to Techno and gave him a hug. Techno was a few inches shorter than him. Techno hugged back.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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