Family is forever

711 29 15

a/n: Finally finished! Thanks to @TechnoIsASimp2 for requesting this prompt! Sorry it took a minute, i just had some stuff going on!

Also Massive TWWW: Graphic descriptions of death!! Read with caution!! 

Also, have a nice day/night!!! :DDDDD


Techno was doing his best to make amends. He had seen what loneliness and hatred did to a person. He didn't want to end up like Wilbur, couldn't end up like his brother. So he was doing his best to fix his mistakes, to right his wrongs.

So he was doing whatever needed to be done around the Smp, helping people with whatever they needed help with. But while it was only a little thing, most people turned him down because they were either scared of him, or hated him, it was a step in the right direction. Albeit a small one though.

Currently, he was walking around, offering help to anyone who looked like they needed it. Today, he had helped Niki, helping her collect supplies for the city he was building. It took an hour or two, but she did warm up to him eventually. And while there were no promises, she did say that maybe one day she would invite him to the city she was building.

Techno was glad that some people were beginning to warm up to him. But he did know that there was still a long way to go, and that some people would never warm up to him. Too much war for anything to be the same ever again.

But all he could do was simply do his best, and hope that would be enough. That's what he was doing at the moment. Walking around looking for anyone to help. Which was how he came across Dream, looking way out of his league trying to get a child to stop crying.

Now, contrary to popular belief, Techno was, in fact, pretty decent when handling children, of course he was, having to deal with his younger brother when he was baby.

Carefully walking over, as to not scare the two of them, Techno crouched in front of the boy and spoke softly. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?"

The kid didn't respond, but instead stopped rubbing his eyes to look at Techno, and Techno swore he could feel his heart sink a little. The boy's tears were beginning to burn his skin. Quickly, he wiped some of the tears away. They slowed, but to Techno's disappointment, didn't stop.

Then suddenly, he had an idea. Rummaging around in his bag, he pulled out a health potion he had on hand, and carefully handed it to the boy. "Can you drink this for me? It might taste yucky, but it'll make you all better."

The boy looked a little hesitant, but drank it nonetheless. Techno laughed a little at the face the boy made, but took the bottle when the boy handed it to him.

"Could you tell me your name?" Techno asked gently. The boy looked tired, yawning before answering.

"My name is Ranboo." Ranboo said tiredly.

"Well, Ranboo, do you mind if I pick you up?" Ranboo just shook his head and let Techno pick him up. Within seconds, he was asleep in Techno's arms, with Techno swaying from side to side a little to comfort him.

Techno turned around, and was a little surprised when he came face to face with a shocked looking Dream.

"How did you do that?" Dream asked, confusion evident on his face.

"Oh, well you know. I had to do that for my younger brother a lot. Sometimes even my twin. I was always the calm and collected one out of my brothers." Techno chuckled softly, as to not wake Ranboo.

"Well, that makes sense. Now moving on, what do we do with him now?" Dream asked, looking at Ranboo.

"Well we can take him to your place or mine."

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