Just a simple walk

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A/N: Sorry I was off for forever, My grandparents just left town so I was finally able to update! Also 200 views? You guys are crazy! Thank you so much :)

For Technoblade, it was obvious that something was wrong with Dream. He wasn't acting his usual self. Techno tried to think of when this had started but the more he thought about it the more he realized that his behavior had been strange for a while.

Now while the differences might be subtle to someone on the outside, to Techno they were so obvious.

Dream was someone who loved cuddles and Techno loved to give them, although he always ended up being the little spoon somehow.

But that was the thing, Dream hadn't asked for any cuddles in the longest time, and whenever Techno tried to ask for cuddles first, which was happening more and more lately. Dream just turned him down, saying he was tired.

To say it upset Techno was a little bit of an understatement, because Techno's love language was touch. He loved to be touching Dream whether it was holding hands, hugging or just slinging his arm around his shoulder. Dream knew this, and so the fact that he kept turning Techno down sucked.

Another thing that was off was that Dream didn't want to hang out as often as he used to.

He would always say that he was busy, or when they were hanging out something would always come up and he would have to go. The last time they hung out without him leaving halfway through was months ago. And Techno understood that he was probably busy, but he sometimes couldn't help but wonder why Dream no longer made time for him anymore?

Techno did his best to try to stay positive, coming up with reasons why Dream was acting normal. 'He's probably really stressed out from work, that's why he doesn't want cuddles and why we haven't hung out in a while.' He probably told himself that lie almost every single day.

He stressed about why Dream was distancing himself from him. He wondered if it was just that Dream was busy, or had Techno done something? He tried to think about anything he had said in the past year that would have made Dream uncomfortable but he just couldn't think of anything.

He tried talking to Dream, but whenever he brought up how distant Dream had been in the last few months, he would just change the subject and never answer. Techno fell into the mindset that it was him, it was something he did to make Dream distance himself.

So to fix whatever was happening, he did things for Dream and got him stuff. But when Dream finally asked what was up, Techno confessed.

" I- it's to say sorry, for whatever I did to make you unhappy. You've been distancing yourself for a while a- and at first I thought that you were just busy, b- but even then we never hang out anymore, so then it struck me," Techno knew he was rambling but he wanted to make things right with Dream.

"It's me! It's something I did, but I just can't remember what I did, and I was wondering if you could just tell me what I did wrong s -since I- I miss us, and I love you and I need you so please just tell me what I did wrong." Techno wasn't crying but he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.

"I- Techno, could you follow me somewhere? Just to the forest out front, just on a simple walk" Dream motioned to the front door and Techno walked and opened it.

He and Dream used to walk this path together all the time before he distanced himself. He really forgot how much he missed it.

After walking for about ten minutes, they finally reached this secluded little spot Dream and Techno knew well. It's where they went on their first date. The spot meant a lot to the both of them, or at least to Technoblade.

"Why did you bring me here? What did you want to tell me?" Techno can feel anxiety well up in his stomach, what did Dream want?

" I- I don't really know how to say this, but I guess I- I want to break up." If you listened closely, he could hear Techno's heart break.

"I- why? Why I- I don't understand why." Techno was at a loss for words, he had expected something bad, but he hadn't expected this. He needed Dream, he LOVED Dream.

"I don't understand either, I- I just woke up one day and I don't even know, I just fell out of love. I don't really know, but I just knew that I didn't love you anymore. I tried to not think about it, since you seemed so happy, but I just wasn't happy with you, and I knew that I never was going to feel happy with you." Dream looked at anything but Techno's face, which by then had tears streaming down.

"W- what happened?" Techno couldn't believe it, He was losing the most important person in his life and he could do nothing.

" I guess this is it, I'm sorry Techno. All I can really say is at least the 5 years I spent with you were some of the happiest times of my life, thank you, and goodbye for good." With that, Dream walked away leaving Technoblade by himself.

Techno couldn't comprehend what had just happened, the love of his life, the person he wanted to spend his life with, had just broken up with him and left.

All Techno could do was hope that he could pick up the broken pieces Dream had left and learn to move on. 

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