A loss he would never know

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A/N: This was so much fun to write :,) I made myself sad.  I'm watching the new lore stream, It's epic, I love Dream, Quackity, and Techno! :D

Technoblade was excited to meet his soulmate. The ring on his finger showed what his soul mate was feeling. Yellow for happy, green for disgusted, blue for sad, red for anger, as when you meet your soulmate, the ring turns pink.

At least that was what had happened with Skeppy and BadBoyHalo. He always looked at his ring whenever he met someone new, to see if it would turn pink. But it never did. Of course those weren't the only colors it could turn. One of Techno's close friends had lost their soulmate, and when that happened, the ring on their finger turned black and faded away into dust.

He always had a fear of that happening so he checked at all times to make sure the ring was still there, and it always was.

It was always yellow, sometimes blue.

So he just continued to live his life, hoping that one day his soulmate would pop up somewhere or another.

But then one day he was just reading The Art of War, just chilling. When he suddenly decided to look at his ring, you know just to see what his soulmate was feeling.

Nothing would have prepared him for the shock when to his disbelief, his ring was black. He waited and waited for it to turn to dust, but it never did.

He came to the conclusion that they must have hurt themselves badly, but weren't dead. That thought gave him little comfort though, as weeks passed and the ring still stayed that horrible black color.

But after more than 3 weeks of waiting though, he noticed that the colors were slowly getting lighter in hue. It had gone from a deep black, to now almost a lighter gray color.

'They must be getting better.' Techno told himself. He checked his ring almost every hour on the hour. Checking to make sure that they were getting better, that they were still alive.

After about a month had passed, Techno's ring went back to being a yellow color almost all the time. He let himself think that everything had gone back to normal, that everything would be fine.

Or so he had hoped. Later in the week, when Techno went to check his ring again, he felt like he could die.

The ring was rapidly getting darker and darker. Techno could feel the lump in his throat, they hadn't gotten better, they must have accepted that they were dying.

Techno could only watch in horror as the ring turned the darkest black he had ever seen and then faded away into dust. He looked at the finger where the ring once was in grief.

He was to mourn a person he'd never met. A loss he would never know.

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