Will you?

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A/N: Ahh some fluff after the hellhole that was the last chapter. I swear I wrote that at like 3am in the morning so I was tired and thought that that would be a good idea. It's so weird, I HAtE reading full on angst, like angst with no comfort, and yet it's so much fun to write, like ehh? Also the restaurant story in this happened to me and my family and we still laugh about it to this day. The drink thing sucked though. It was a red drink and I was wearing white pants D:

Oh to say Dream was stressed was the understatement of the century. He had big plans today.

Today he was going to propose to his boyfriend of 5 years, Technoblade.

He knew Techno was going to be the man he would marry from the moment he met him. With a laugh that sounded like bells ringing and looks to rival the gods, he just knew.

So of course he spent the last year preparing for this occasion. He wanted it to be perfect. Perfect just like Techno.

So of course he took him to the forest where they first met and went on their first date.

"Dream, why did you take me here? I remember this place perfectly though, I was just walking along a path and I saw you fall into the lake, so of course me being the kind soul I am jumped in and saved you" Techno looked at the lake fondly

"Yeah, not before laughing your ass off though. It was funny though because just two weeks later, I took you on a date here. Our first one actually" Dream chuckled remembering that date.

They had fed the ducks and walked along the path Techno was walking when he saw Dream for the first time.

They walked around for hours, just talking and reminiscing about old times and they were young and dumb, and not to say that their so muture now, just when they were younger and dumber.

They thought about past dates here, having come on their anniversary every year, so Techno was a little thrown off when Dream asked to come and a regular Sunday, but nonetheless he agreed. When it began to get dark, Techno asked Dream if they were going home now, to which responded with

"Nope, we are going to get dinner" And so Dream and Techno walked to a restaurant nearby that they both knew well.

They had gone to this restaurant after the first couple dates, and it had been a disaster. Dream had set up a reservation to the place beforehand, but it turns out that they accidentally gave the table to someone else so they had to wait for half an hour.

When they finally got a table and ordered drinks, when the waiter came, he spilled Techno's drink all over him. Of course Techno was polite and told the waiter it was no big deal, but Dream knew he was a little upset since those were his good clothes.

After another half hour of waiting that server finally came back to order their food and ended up sucking big time. It took an hour to get the food and even then it wasn't even their food, and when their food came, Techno's was burnt and Dream's was somehow raw. It was safe to say they never went to this restaurant again, at least not until now.

"Dream, why are we here? The last time we went here it sucked." Techno looked at Dream with confusion in his eyes.

"Only because of the memory of what we did after" and with that Dream gave Techno a wink and Techno turned bright red.

After they had left the restaurant, they ended up going to some random hotel and at first it was just making out, but then it escalated to some real fun times. His lower back had hurt for at least a week after that.

This time the restaurant was nowhere near as bad. They didn't have to wait long, no drinks were spilled on anyone, the food came quickly, this time being edible.

"So like are we going to do that tonight, is this why you brought me everywhere?" Techno asked, glancing suspiciously at Dream.

"Not now, I have one last thing to show you" Dream grabbed Techno's hand and began to walk home. It was just a twenty minute walk under the stars.

When they reached the house, Dream yanked Techno into the living room and told him to sit down on the couch. Techno did what he was told and waited while Dream ran off to get something from the bedroom.

When Dream came back, he was holding a book. He handed Techno the book, and Techno gasped in surprise. It was a new copy of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. He had been trying to find a new copy ever since one of their dogs had torn up his old one.

"Dream! Thank man, I've been looking for this everywhere. You would not believe how hard it is to find" Techno stood up and gave Dream a hug.

"Techno, look on the inside of the cover, I've written something for you." Techno let go of Dream, opening the cover of the book and reading what was inside.

"Techno, Thank you for the last five years of my life. You've made them the happiest. Words can not begin to describe how much I love you. I love you so much, so I need just one favor from you. Can you put the book down and look at me please love" With that Techno closed the book and looked at Dream, and what he said made his heart stop.

Their Dream was, on one knee with a ring in his hand.

"Technoblade, will you continue to make the rest of my years some of the happiest?"

"Dream, holy shit yes! Yes! Yes! YES!" Techno lunged at Dream and kissed him. Dream took the opportunity to put the ring on Techno's finger.

Dream knew they would be happy together. Now the only left to do is tell their families, but that's a problem for a later time.

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