High school Drama

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A/N: Ahhh, finally got this posted! This was soooo fun to write so thank you to @technos_emo_potato for requesting this! Sorry it took so long, I just couldn't find time to post!! But it's here and ready! So enjoy!

TW: While it's never gone to horribly into detail, George is talked to have been a verbally abusive to Dream- although they never bring up that term!- so watch out and stay safe! And have a wonderful day/night!!


Techno couldn't believe it had gone on this long. He couldn't believe that he had loved Dream for four years now. They were seniors in high school now. And nothing had changed with their relationship.

They were still best friends, just as they had been so many years ago, way back in the first grade. Nothing had changed at all.

And all Techno felt was disappointment at himself, because with no moves over the last four years? What did he think would come of that?

And now he was laying in his bed, feeling nothing but disappointment and pain. It felt as though someone had wrapped a hand around his heart, and they were squeezing as hard as they could.

The ache in his chest made him want to cry. And all because of some stupid texts Dream had sent. The texts themselves were just Dream telling him that George had asked him out and he'd said yes. And Techno just texting back a simple 'congrats', to which Dream left him on read.

It wasn't even anything major, and yet, Techno wanted to cry his eyes out.

School the next day was pretty much the same, much to Techno's surprise. He and Dream met up in the morning, sat together and talked at lunch, and hung out in the classes they shared. He still partnered with Techno, even though it was a class they also shared with George.

At lunch the next day though, Techno did question it. "Why are you still hanging out with me?" When Dream looked bewildered, he realized that he had to clarify the question. "I mean how come you don't hang out with George? Your boyfriend?"

"Well, I don't even know if me and him are even going to go anywhere. I want to give it some time."

"Well you don't think it's going to go anywhere, then why date him?" Techno replied back, making sure to keep his regular monotone voice.

"Because I wanted to give him a chance. He seems like a nice guy." Dream with a smile, and to Techno, it almost looked forced. But that could have just been his broken heart speaking.

After that, they just continued eating lunch and talking like normal.

Now Dream wasn't the most popular person at school, but he was well liked. So when someone let it slip that Dream and George were dating, it was talked about a lot. And personally, Techno was sick of hearing about DNF -that was the sip name he had given the pair- everywhere he turned.

Couldn't he be sad in peace? Without having to hear about the object of his sorrows all the time? Absolutely not, because then someone brought up prom and then everyone was wondering if they were going to prom together.

It ended up being mixed opinions, because some people assumed they were going together, while others bet that they wouldn't last. Techno was hoping for the second one, and he honestly couldn't find it himself to feel bad. Of course he would never tell Dream that.

It honestly might be a little bit harder to tell Dream, since he began to hang out with George more and more. But Dream was still a good friend first, and made sure to make time for Techno.

Techno also began to notice though that when Dream hung out with George, he acted differently. He acted fake, always looking almost uncomfortable.

While he had a smile around George, Techno knew it wasn't Dream's real smile. The smile around George was always too forced, so forced that it almost made Techno sick.

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