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A/N: Just something short while I'm working on the next chapter! Also this was originally just supposed to be just angst, but I decided that i would have nothing but fluff for the first time in like forever!


It was a warm summer day, their little house as lively as ever.

Dinner was cooking in the oven, and Dream was leaning on a wall, watching Techno as he tried to set up the speakers. After a few minutes of fiddling with it, he got it to connect with his phone.

Quickly Techno turned on their song, the song they danced to almost every night.

As 'can't help falling in love' began to play through the speakers, Techno grabbed Dream's hand, and pulled him into a slow dance. A dance they had danced so many times before, and one that never seemed to get old.

The end of the song came near, but they just continued to dance to the music that was the two of them. Their laughs, their soft spoken words, their socks hitting the ground was enough for them to dance to.

The warm evening sunlight streamed through the windows, lighting up their living room.

Dream rested his forehead on Techno's and laughed while continuing to dance, and everything was perfect.

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